Trump-Sought Military Parade Could Cost $10M-$30M

The White House budget director said Wednesday that a military parade envisioned by President Donald Trump could cost between $10 million and $30 million, although that money is not included in the administration’s new budget request.

Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney told the House Budget Committee that estimates are “very preliminary.” He said they’re “between 10 and 30 depending on the length” of the parade.

“I’ve various different cost estimates from between I think $10 million and $30 million depending on the size of the parade, the scope of it, the length of it,” Mulvaney said. “We’ve not accounted for it in this year’s budget simply because it’s come up at the last minute.”

Officials such as Defense Secretary Jim Mattis have confirmed that Trump has pushed for a large-scale parade to trumpet the U.S. military, but Mulvaney said the administration hasn’t decided to go forward with it.

“We’ll continue to work with you folks if we decided to push forward,” Mulvaney told the lawmakers.

Mulvaney said the administration would have to seek an appropriation from Congress or redirect existing funds to finance the parade. Trump’s new budget requested $686 billion for the Pentagon’s budget next year.


One Response

  1. I’m not so sure that the military will be pleased to entertain a draft dodging degenerate. If this baal gaiveh shmutz wants a parade, let him pay for it! What does he think, Mexico will?

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