PHOTOS: Agudah Leadership Mission Begins In DC With Senator Cruz Voicing Support For Israel And School Choice Programs

It was a productive day for the approximately six dozen delegates who gathered in Washington on Tuesday for the first portion of Agudath Israel of America’s annual national leadership mission to our nation’s capital. Representing 11 states, the mission was a diverse group including members of the Agudah’s board of trustees, Agudah senior staff, several regional directors, and a large contingent of community leaders and activists.

The mission opened with an hour-long dinner meeting in the Senate Russell Office Building’s elegantly historic Kennedy Caucus Room led by Agudah chairman of the board Shlomo Werdiger. Featured speaker Senator Ted Cruz was greeted with a standing ovation and was warmly introduced by board of trustees member Chaskel Bennett who lauded the Texas Republican for his unwavering allegiance to the State of Israel and his passionate advocacy for religious freedoms, including financial support for school choice programs.

Addressing participants, Senator Cruz praised the Trump administration for standing unequivocally with Israel and called on the White House to rescind the Iran deal and impose sanctions on Iran. The senator also shared the dramatic story of how the federal 529 savings plan, designed to give tax relief to parents who set aside money for their children’s education, was passed with a tie breaking vote by Vice President Pence. He described the measure as “the most significant and far reaching federal school choice legislation that has ever passed the United States Congress” and emphasizing the importance of empowering parents to make the best educational choices for their children.

After a short question and answer session, Agudah executive vice president Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel presented Senator Cruz with a inscribed biography of Rabbi Moshe Sherer, the late president of Agudath Israel of America.

The dinner was followed by a board of trustees meeting which included updates on the Agudah’s ongoing varied activities as well as reports from regional directors. Chaired by Rabbi AD Motzen, Agudah’s National Director for State Relations, the session included Rabbi Yitz Frank, Director, Agudath Israel of Ohio; Rabbi Yossi Kaplan, Director, Agudath Israel of Colorado; Rabbi Moshe Matz, Executive Director, Agudath Israel of America’s Florida Division; Rabbi Avi Schnall, Director, Agudath Israel of America’s New Jersey Region; Rabbi Ariel Sadwin, Director, Agudath Israel’s Mid-Atlantic Region; and Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Director of Government Affairs, Agudath Israel of Illinois.

Drawing on his own 28 years of experience as the Agudah’s vice president for federal affairs and Washington director and counsel, Rabbi Abba Cohen stressed the importance of the annual mission, which shows elected officials the many faces of the Jewish community who benefit from the Agudah’s advocacy.

“It is important for politicians to see the constituents of Agudath Israel,” said Rabbi Cohen. “They realize that there is a community behind our efforts. There are families and parents. There are schools, yeshivos, mosdos, shuls, charitable institutions.”

The mission continues on Wednesday with sessions at the Capitol and the White House, concluding with a Senate luncheon.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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