WATCH: Trump Releases Video Slamming Democrats As ‘Disgraceful’ For Not Standing During SOTU

The following is a press release from the Trump campaign:

Today, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. released a campaign ad that displays the predictable and consistent, yet utterly disgraceful, behavior of Democrat Members of Congress as they reacted to President Trump’s first State of the Union Address to the nation.

Chronicling powerful excerpts from the President’s address, when he reported on the State of the Union as “a safe, strong, and proud America,” the ad simultaneously shows the unprecedented expressions of disrespect demonstrated by Democrats towards “our people…(and) our country” during the speech. With scowls of disgust, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders and other Democrats in Congress appear on screen as they “sat there” despite President’s Trump’s appeal for them to “join him in standing up for America.”

“President Trump’s State of the Union address was so profound that even the mainstream media called it ‘strong’ and ‘inspirational,’” said Michal S. Glassner, Executive Director of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. “Yet, our ad demonstrates that the unprecedented expressions of disrespect shown by the Democrats towards our people and our country were also profound – for the wrong reasons. The breathtaking indifference in reaction to President Trump’s calls for unity and to the President’s bold stories of freedom-loving heroes speaks for itself. The Democrats just sat there, and they were disgraceful,” he concluded.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. From the degenerate moron who disrespected the entire continent of Africa. He disgraces the U.S. by his presence in the white house.

  2. If Republican elected officials have generally stood and applauded when a Democratic president delivered his SOTU address,. Trump has a valid point.

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