Islamic Group Criticizes Deleted Tweet As Bigoted

The conservative website appears to have deleted a tweet on Monday criticized as bigoted by a civil rights group for Muslims.

Breitbart says it deleted a tweet for not meeting editorial standards. A representative for the company did not immediately respond to a request for comment, but a cached version of a tweet that appears to have been deleted from the site discussed Muslims and the Super Bowl.

In the tweet, a grandfather is asked what the Super Bowl is. The tweet says “lil Muhammad, back the kuffar ran things, they stitched up filthy pig skins … and shoved each other. There was secular music and alcohol — a very haram affair!”

The Council on American-Islamic Relations says it was symptomatic of bigotry regularly seen in the media.


2 Responses

  1. How is that anti-muslim? If they tweeted that a frum yid said it’s full of inappropriate language, pritzus shows, and bitul torah, would we be upset?

  2. What! These open supporters of terror are complaining about bigotry? At least bigotry is something that resides in someone’s opinion, and does not put any other lives in danger. Not so for terror. This organization perpetrates the lie that Islam is a “peaceful religion”. It is neither. It is a cult of bloodthirsty savages that directs its venom at Jews and Israel. It does not uphold the universal moral standards of not harming others or allowing them their own way of life. The banter about Allah is the costume. I am not fooled by it. The ones that are are its supporters, and the people drunk on the PC koolaid.

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