TRAGEDY: World Renowned Maggid Shiur, Hagaon HaRav Dovid Grossman ZATZAL R’L Killed In Crash In Staten Island [UPDATED 2:00PM ET]

A world renowned Maggid Shiur was R”L killed in an early morning crash in Staten Island.

Hagaon HaRav David Grossman ZATZAL from Los Angeles was tragically killed while driving in Staten Island.

***The Levaya of Harav Dovid Grossman ZATZAL will be today (Monday) at 8:00PM at Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood. Misaskim LA has arranged for a LIVE VIDEO HOOKUP at 5:00pm in Sharei Tefila 7269 Beverly Blvd.***

The crash was reported to the NYPD at around 4:00AM on Monday morning on the West Shore Expressway northbound near Victory Boulevard.

The NYPD gave the following statement to YWN:

On Monday, February 5th, 2018 at approximately 3:58AM, police responded to a 911 call for a collision on the Westshore Expressway north of Wild Ave in the confines of the 121st Precinct.

Upon arrival, officers discovered a 72-year-old male operator unconscious and unresponsive with head trauma. EMS transported the male to Staten Island University Hospital where he was pronounced deceased. A preliminary investigation determined the 72-year-old operator of a 2017 Ford was apparently stopped on the right shoulder, partially blocking the right lane due to his disabled vehicle having a flat tire.

Subsequently, a 43-year-old female operator of a 2005 Honda was traveling northbound on the expressway when she struck the rear driver’s side of the Ford causing it to cross two northbound lanes of traffic coming to a final rest on the center median. The operator of the Honda was removed to Richmond County Medical Center for non-life threatening injuries. The NYPD’s Highway Collision Investigation Squad responded and conducting an investigation.

Chesed Shel Emes was on the scene.

In his younger years, Rav Dovid Grossman studied in the Beis Medrash program of the Yeshiva of Philadelphia for 4 years under the tutelage of Hagaon HaRav Elya Svei and Hagaon HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky.

He then learned one Elul zman in a branch of the Novardok yeshiva in France.

In Eretz Yisroel, he joined the Yeshiva Mir in Jerusalem, where he became a Talmid of its Rosh Yeshiva, Hagaon HaRav Chaim Shmuelevitz ZATZAL.

In Yerushalayim, Rabbi Grossman developed a personal relationship with Hagaon HaRav Meir Soloveitchik, a son of the Brisker Rov.

It was in Israel where he met his wife, Rachel – who is the principal of Valley Torah High School’s girl division in Valley Village, California.

After returning to America, Rabbi Grossman learned in the Lakewood Kollel for approximately 7 years. He then went on to become one of the founding members of the Lakewood Kollel branch in Los Angeles (1975).

In 1981, he helped start Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles where he served as the 12th grade Maggid shiur until 2008. Concurrently with position as lecturer at YGLA, he opened a Torah program for working young adults and college students, independent of the Yeshiva.

Rabbi Grossman was known around the globe for his daf yomi shiurim and his recordings on every page of the Talmud are widely distributed by many platforms of Shiurim including Kol Halashon,, OU and many others. He was the first voice of the famed “Dial a Daf”.

His children are: Mrs Sara Fisher, Mrs Tzippy Rokowsky, Mrs. Efrat Privalsky, Reb Meir, Reb Avi, Reb Binyomin, Reb Moshe, Reb Chaim.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

The Niftar Z”L, just hours before he was R”L killed.

(Yossi Taub – YWN)

15 Responses

  1. i use his shiur every day for the daf.

    i used it this morning before i read this horrible news.

    i feel like my best friend was just niftar.

  2. The amount of schar he has waiting for him in olam haba is immeasurable!!!
    Finished many many daf of gemara with him,as I’m sure many others have also!

  3. Wow, Boruch Dayan Ha’Emes.

    I too can consider myself one of his countless talmidim. I never met him, I never even knew what he looks like. But I certainly know what his voice sounds like! I finished several mesechtos with his shiur on Kol Halashon while commuting to work. He contributed immensely to my growth in ruchnius while in the business world. May he be a meilitz yoisher for his family and for Klal Yisroel.

  4. Baruch Dayan haEmes.
    His enthusiasim for the Torah he was teaching at any given moment was infectious. I had the priviledge of learning in his summer bein hazmanim program and for years afterwards would run to hear his parshas hashevua shmuess.
    Just an inestimable loss.
    He lived and breathed harbatzas Torah, first localy, and then using technology to reach Jews everywhere in the world.
    I will miss him.

  5. Baruch Dayan HaEmet. A very, very special Rav. I never met him, but I learned from his Shiurim that he graciously provided over A terrible loss. I was actually listening to a daf from Mas. Sukkah when I saw this sad, sad news.

  6. I listen to his daf shiurim every day when I walk to work and I have been listening to his shiurim for many years. When I wanted to purchase a shas pod a number of years ago I called the number that was displayed on the website. I was surprised to hear that the person who picked up the phone was Rav Grossman himself. He told me that I can either get a used ipod for I think around $150 or a new one for $300, but he was basically begging me to get the cheaper one as he felt there was no need to spend more on the newer one as they both did the job. He was a rebbe to perhaps thousands of people who he did not even know. BDE

  7. I have no words to describe this tragedy and my pain. I Davened in R Dovid Tzal’s Shul for quite some time until I moved. So real, full of Torah. I had a lot of shaychus to him. I remember when he taught my brother when he was in 12th grade, how much patience, love and care he had for the boys. This loss cannot be filled. We should all strive to follow in his ways and may he be a mailitz yosher for all of us. May Hashem console his wife, his family, and all that knew him.

  8. I often listen to his daf yomi online. He has given me the greatest gift: learning Torah. May his reward be great.
    Boruch Dayan HaEmes.

  9. Baruch Dayan Haemes!! What a loss to klall yisroel. I never met him and never saw him but i can say i leared many many mesechtes in shas fron harav dovid grossman from

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