Pelosi Warned Democrats Not To Distract Attention From Trump’s “Slobbering Self”

House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is advising Democrats to be on their better behavior during President Donald Trump’s speech — for strategy’s sake.

“Let the attention be on his slobbering self,” Pelosi told members during a closed caucus meeting, according to a Democratic aide in the room who was not authorized to discuss internal discussions publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

As for Democrats considering protesting Trump by leaving mid-speech, she warned: “If you want to walk out, don’t come in.”

Making a spectacle, she suggested, would only distract from the Democrats’ rebuttal.

Because of low expectations, Trump was likely to get high marks no matter what, Pelosi added.

“If his nose isn’t running and he isn’t burping, he did a great speech,” she said.

Presidential counselor Kellyanne Conway tweeted: “As @POTUS in #SOTU aims to go high, @NancyPelosi goes super-low.”


4 Responses

  1. She is dispicable and is proud of it. Imagine her hearing people say that about obama. She would fill the airways with all kinds of disgust and vitriol about them. All kinds of sanctimonious hyperbole of how one dare speak about the president of the United States in that manner. Yet this sorry excuse for a congresswoman has no qualms about spewing forth this same language about Trump. But as Kellyann Conway said today “I just sent her another shipment of vitamins because I want her to continued being the leader of the Democratic Party “. Amen to that. She’s the best thing the republicans can have in the opposition.

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