Kiryas Joel: After Jewish Child Injured, Senate Votes To Increase Penalties For Passing Stopped School Bus

Legislation that would increase penalties for passing a stopped school bus has passed the state Senate.

The measure was sponsored by state Sen. John Bonacic, of Mount Hope.

It would enhance the current penalties by adding a 60-day suspension to a driver’s license when a person is convicted two or more times of passing a stopped school bus in a 10-year period.

The measure comes after a child was struck by a taxi while getting off the school bus in Kiryas Joel on Friday.

Police say it happened as the 6-year-old boy tried to cross Stropkov Court.

Officials are investigating whether the taxi illegally passed the school bus. The boy’s hip was broken in the incident.

Please be Mispallel for Yehoshua Yitzchok ben Chana.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. But, in all fairness to the rest of the population, rules must be extended to bus drivers who take advantage and hit their flashing lights and open their doors too early – long before the child is ready to board the bus. I think that that is the true issue. I’d they were more mindful of drivers so would drivers be of busses. They’re abusive. They’re also constantly on their phones.

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