Councilman Chaim Deutsch Announces NYC Will Be Dismissing Many Parking Tickets

Councilman Chaim Deutsch announced today that the City will be dismissing wrongfully issued parking tickets on days that alternate side parking rules were suspended.

When alternate side parking rules are in effect, muni-meters are programmed to reject payment during the applicable time frame. However, when these regulations are suspended, the meters cannot be remotely re-programmed to allow payment, leaving motorists unable to purchase a muni-meter receipt despite being legally allowed to park on that particular street. These contrary policies of the Department of Sanitation, NYPD Traffic Department, and Department of Transportation (DOT) leave drivers subject to traffic violations. From January 2nd to January 18th, alternate side parking has been suspended eleven times, providing ample opportunities for wrongful summonses to be issued throughout the city.

Deutsch worked with the Department of Transportation, the Mayor’s Office, and the NYPD Legislative Affairs to secure a commitment to have the violations dismissed, and to determine methods to prevent this issue in the future. The Department of Transportation agreed to provide a letter that allows the violation to be dismissed by the Department of Finance. Additionally, the NYPD will institute a policy wherein they advise traffic agents not to issue violations under these circumstances, on a precinct-by-precinct basis, each time there is a suspension of alternate side regulations.

Councilman Deutsch said, “When I brought this issue to their attention, the City agencies involved responded swiftly in agreeing to dismiss the violations. I’m glad that I was able to secure this resolution, and I hope this will resolve the matter once and for all. I urge anyone who received a summons under these criteria to contact my office, and we can assist in having it dismissed.”

Olga Y., a resident who received one of these violations in error said, “I’m incredibly grateful to Councilman Deutsch for his advocacy in having my ticket dismissed. I can’t believe how quickly he was able to get a resolution for me and others who are in the same position. It means the world to know that our elected officials will stand up and fight for us, especially when it’s our hard-earned money at stake.”

If you received a parking violation during an alternate side suspension for non-payment of the muni-meter in a location where meters are pre-programmed to not accept payment during alternate side regulations, please contact Councilman Deutsch’s office at 718-368-9176 or [email protected].

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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