WATCH THIS: NYPD Vehicle In Boro Park Dangerously Passes School Bus While Dropping Off Children


The attached video was taken from a dash-cam from a car in Boro Park on Monday afternoon.

The viewer can clearly see that a school bus had its red flashing lights on, and children were being let off the bus on 18 Avenue and 49 Street.

It should be noted that according to NYS Law, the only vehicle that emergency vehicles must yield to (even while responding to emergencies) are school buses that have their lights flashing.

Sources tell YWN that the vehicle was assigned to the NYPD’s 66 Precinct.

In November, YWN published a video of an NYPD vehicle passing a school bus while picking up children.

Also in November, YWN published a video of an NYPD “smart car” stuck in traffic, that dangerously drove down a sidewalk – nearly striking a father and young child.

(Yossi Taub – YWN)

4 Responses

  1. @yaakov- “presumably” is the word. They can easily toggle between on and off. But nevertheless we know police are “above” the law so this isnt news. Whos going to ticket them?

  2. He was probably using his phone and didn’t realize that he was passing a bus. He must have thought it just a double parked car or truck.

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