Please refresh your page, and scroll down for up to the minute results! (YWN will be updating as results come become available ) 3 states are holding presidential primaries or today (Tuesday, Feb 12):
District Of Columbia: 10:50PM EST: Democrat: Barak Obama projected winner Republican: John McCain projected winner
Maryland: 9:30PM EST: Democrat: Barack Obama projected winner Republican: John McCain
Virginia: 8:38PM EST: Democrat: Barack Obama projected winner Republican: John McCain projected winner
8 Responses
if josh mccain doesnt win this then we will have to have a day of prayers for him
umm, did the Yated mention his name is “John”, not “josh”?
And, if he doesn’t win this, why, exactly, would a day of prayer for him be necessary?
If Hillary wins it will be hilarious. If McCain wins it will be a m’chaya. If Barack wins I say bravo. If Huckubee wins gehzuntheit.
who may i ask is josh mccain. didnt know anyone with that name running for prez?????? just wonderin’ (((:v#)))
Hilarys daughter asked a US soldier,nane USes 3 worst enemies,he said OSAMA,OBAMA,AND YOUR MAMA
If Hillary wins it will be horrifying.If Mcain wins it will be mach nisht kein choizek. If Barack wins I say Bring Mashiach now! If Huckubee wins hockadooodeldoo!
Skoyich! Git gezigt!
Mishenichnas Uder!!