WATCH: Yet ANOTHER Yeshiva Bus Goes Through Solid Red Light

The attached dash-cam footage was submitted to YWN by a reader, whose camera captured the video on Sunday morning in Boro Park. This driver flips on his yellow flashers, and then proceeds through a solid red light.

The bus was full of children.

On Friday YWN published two videos – one after the other – of Yeshiva buses passing through red lights.

It’s interesting to note that many bus drivers have taken to various social media platforms to bash YWN for publishing these videos. These are the very same drivers who take to social media to rant when a driver passes their bus while they have their red flashing lights turned on.

A bus driver is trusted with transporting dozens of children. They should and must be held accountable for this type of reckless behavior while driving children – just as drivers who pass school buses while their lights are flashing should be held accountable.

(Yossi Taub – YWN)

6 Responses

  1. Any particular reason why the driver is not notifying the proper authorities. No, i dont mean chaverim or shomrinm or hatzoloh.

  2. The bus drivers might be taking a cue from the rebbes at my son’s yeshiva, who all jay-walk across a busy street, interfering with traffic, to get to work. If the rebbes don’t set a good example, don’t expect much from the bus drivers, or the young bochurs.

  3. From my daily observations in Boro Park lights and stop signs are simply advisory with the driver having the option of ignoring them. A school bus running a light is hardly newsworthy.

  4. May I clarify please?
    In no way do I want to minimize what this bus driver did, and hopefully more of these clips on the wall of SHAME will prompt the drivers to obey the signals.

    However, this intersection is at the corner of 13th Avenue and 52nd street. a couple of weeks ago the lights for all 13th Avenue cross streets were modified to have a delayed green once 13th Avenue changes to red (as well as 18th Avenue cross streets) unfortunately our driving habits are that we start accelerating once the light changes to red for the crossing street since it will become green for us in a split second anyway. But due to the delayed green we end up crossing a red light. Based on the video the light changed to green about 2 seconds after the bus passed it that means that traffic in the opposite direction already had a red light for about 4 seconds already and this bus “technically” did not put any cars or pedestrians in danger, unless the pedestrians were like some of the idiots that start crossing based on the signal for the cars and as long as it’s red for traffic they “begin” to cross.

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