Fire In Great Neck’s Temple Israel

ti.jpgLong Island firefighters were called to battle a blaze at a school attached to the Temple Israel in Great Neck, WCBSTV reports. The 6:00AM fire, was in the Sondra and David S. Mack Religious School. No injuries were reported. News video from the scene showed smoke and flames coming from the two-story school, next to Temple Israel (Conservative) of Great Neck at 108 Old Mill Road.

3 Responses

  1. i was inside the ball room. its completely burnt while the shul is basically untouched. again the shul is fine while the ballroom is completely burnt. i feel bad for all the people who booked a party for this month.

  2. Such chilul hashem. First of all, TI is strictly glatt kosher under the supervision of a masgiach well respected by all Vaads serving Great Nekc. Young Israel and Great Neck Synagogue members hold simchas there.

    Second, of course it’s a shul – such stupidity and bias and anti-semitism should be left to the palis and the gestapo.

    Do you feel better demeaning a halachically Jewish congregation of 1300 families? Would you rather they all converted to Catholicism so your insensitive remarks about “cathedrals” would be correct? Do you wish for the destruction of all Jews who are not orthodox? Do you mourn Kristellnacht or is that a particular holiday for you?

    The fact is that the members of this particular shul have done more for Jews, Judaism and Jewish causes and the State of Israel than hundreds of other shuls. They certainly are better Jews than those who, in the face of tragedy, can do nothing more than gossip and attack Jews.

    For shame!!

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