WATCH: CNN’s Doctor Predicts Trump Heart Attack In 3-5 Years

It appears that CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta is drawing a different conclusion about President Trump’s health than the White House’s own physician.

During a lengthy press briefing, Dr. Ronny Jackson revealed lots of specifics regarding the president’s physical and mental health, which he determined was “excellent.” However, the CNN chief medical correspondent found Trump’s coronary calcium score alarming, noting Jackson’s data that shows in 2009, it was 34 and in 2018, it’s 133. Any score above 100 is at high risk of a heart attack or heart disease within 3-5 years.

Despite acknowledging that Jackson performed an echocardiogram and stress test and the results were “no cause of concern” over Trump’s heart, Gupta gave his own diagnosis.

“It’s concerning because you can start to say, ‘well if you do nothing different, if things don’t change,’ you can start to predict the likelihood of having some sort of heart event, cardiac event, or heart attack or something like that within a certain number of years.”

The CNN doctor put extra emphasis on the “trajectory” of Trump’s calcium numbers even though he has been put on medication.

“So the president has heart disease,” Gupta declared. “Those numbers qualify him for having heart disease and it clearly needs a plan to try and prevent some sort of problem down the road.”

8 Responses

  1. It has been a while that I started noticing the esteemed Dr. GOOPTAH tailor his “medical”opinion to suit an extreme Left wing bias.
    The most obvious recent one, was his ringing endorsement of the failed Obamacare for alleged “medical reasons”.

    Heck, he works for CNN.

    Enough said.

    No doctor can make a proper diagnosis long distance EXCEPT in an emergency. One test result is not the end all without a FULL, COMPREHENSIVE examination. Besides…remember that the President is 71.

  3. Thank You CNN for another entertaining FAKE News Story!
    From WebMD:
    “Keep in mind that a high score doesn’t mean you’re sure to have a heart attack. But it does signal you may need to make some heart-healthy changes to your lifestyle or consider starting a new medication.”

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