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Schumer Warns New Yorkers Of Tax Rebate Scams

chuck s.jpgAs the president prepares to sign the economic stimulus package, Senator Charles Schumer is warning city residents to watch out for tax rebate scams.

Schumer says about five million families across the city will be getting a rebate checks ranging from $300 to $1,200. The checks won’t arrive until June at the earliest, but Schumer is alerting New Yorkers about two different scams that promise you money now.

One includes a company offering you less money up front if you give them your rebate check later.

“If you’re entitled to $1,500 and they say, ‘We’ll give you $800 right now.’ That is no bargain,” said Schumer. “That, in fact, is against the law. It’s a rip off, but people are doing it left and right.”

Schumer says scam artists are also offering to wire the rebates directly to tax payer’s bank accounts after asking for private information like credit card and social security numbers.

(Source: NY1)

5 Responses

  1. people want money NOW not later,even if it means getting less. They are willing to give uo what is rightfully theirs instead of waiting a little while.

  2. According to what I have been reading, it’s supposed to be $1,200 for couples PLUS $300 per child under 17. So many people will be seeing checks of $3,000 plus.

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