WATCH: President Trump Congratulates Jewish Couple In Letter Read At Their Wedding

President Donald J. Trump sent an official letter congratulating the Segal family from Brooklyn, New York upon on the wedding of their child.

The offical White House letter was read in front of all those in attendance at the wedding Tuesday in Ateres Chynka, by Sergio Gor, Communications Director for Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky.

10 Responses

  1. You do realize that it is highly unlikely that Trump sent that letter. The White House receives thousands of invitations and has a staff that responds to them. I received a similar response to a Bar Mitzvah

  2. Very beautiful. Having been married three times, and having otherwise interacted with countless women, the President is probably the best person to give his bracha. Mazal tov!!

  3. The media and the leftist Jewish publicans continue to educate me that he is a white supremacist and anti-semite. What gives?

  4. If you want such a letter for your wedding or birthday just complete a greeting request through the contact us form on or request one through your congressman’s website. And BTW President Obama and Bush did the same thing,

  5. Is this going to be the latest in one upmanship? What is a greater kibbud, to read the letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l or a letter from President Trump?

  6. avreimi said: What is a greater kibbud, to read the letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l or a letter from President Trump?

    One is real and one is fake.

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