‘Center’ Felder Bids For NY Party Favors

The following is a NY Post article:

The courting of Simcha Felder has begun now that the Brooklyn Democrat holds one of the keys to control of the state Senate.

Republican and Democratic leaders jockeying for control of the Senate have contacted aides to Senator-elect Felder, according to the Brooklyn Democrat — who can help tip the balance of power to either party.

Felder says he could side with Republicans or Democrats depending on which party will help his heavily Orthodox Jewish district more.

The former city councilman told The Post he’s looking for influence in education, economic development and finance for his district.

“I don’t think the parties are any religion, and I don’t believe in the parties,” he said on Albany’s Talk 1300 AM radio. “I believe in trying to represent the district that elected me and the interests of that district, whether they be the Democrats, Republicans or any other party as long as it doesn’t compromise my moral or ethical values.”

Felder isn’t the only wild card as pols await recounts and absentee-ballot tallies in two upstate districts where Democratic victories could give the party a 33-30 seat edge.

The four-member Independent Democratic Conference, led by Sen. Jeff Klein of The Bronx, hasn’t tipped its hand either on whether it will align with Republicans or Democrats.

But if Republicans pick up just one of the two upstate seats, Felder could tip the balance to the GOP on his own.


One Response

  1. Changing parties means he will have to go all the way and become a full fledged Republican. That means he’ll have no influence with the executive branch of state government. It also is a probable (sooner or later) first step in the frum community changing officially – and better to take the step after an election that the Republicans were trounced so it will be clear this is a real change, not an attempt to sell our votes for patronage – since the Republicans have no patronage to offer.

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