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Court Ruling: Tunisian Jews Eligible For Holocaust Stipend

court hammer2.jpgThe Tel Aviv District Court ruled on Sunday, that the approximately 20,000 Tunisian Jews living in Israel today will be legally recognized as victims of Nazi persecution – making them eligible for a monthly government stipend of roughly $333.

For six months, between November 1942 and May 1943, the country on Tunisia found itself under Nazi rule.

Where as the Nazis were not allowed to exterminate the local Jewish population and implement the “final solution” in Tunisia, many within the Jewish community were arrested, and forced to don the infamous “yellow star”. Tunisian Jews were also forced to pay fines and were often physically harassed.

Up until today’s court’s ruling, the Finance Ministry rejected all claims made by Tunisian Jews for a government stipend as victims of Nazi persecution, claiming that the law in question applies only to refugees forced to flee their homeland following Nazi occupation.

(Source: Ynet)

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