WATCH THIS! CNN’s Jake Tapper Abruptly Ends Heated Interveiw With Top Trump Adviser


CNN host Jake Tapper clashed with senior White House policy adviser Stephen Miller over claims in “Fire & Fury: Inside The Trump White House,” Michael Wolff’s explosive new tell-all about President Donald Trump’s campaign, presidential transition, and administration.

Miller dismissed both Bannon and Wolff’s credibility, saying the author was a “garbage author of a garbage book,” and that claims in the book were “a pile of trash.” He repeatedly described Bannon’s comments in the book as “grotesque,” saying his role in the White House was “greatly exaggerated.”

Miller then repeatedly attempted to pivot to criticism of CNN, a favorite Trump target. Miller said Tapper was being “condescending” and described CNN’s coverage of the Trump administration as “hysterical” and “toxic” when Tapper asked about whether Trump was mentally fit to serve in the White House.

Tapper then called Miller ‘obsequious,’ saying he “wasted enough of our viewers’ time” and that there was ‘only one viewer he was concerned about.’

That particular viewer took to twitter to share his thoughts on the explosive interview:

The first video shows the conclusion of the interview. The entire interview can be seen in the second video.

11 Responses

  1. So Tapper invites Miller to defend Trump and then cuts him off for doing so! Even after Bannon told Tapper to keep quiet about this issue and calm down, he said “NO” . Tapper doesn’t know how to keep his filthy mouth shut.

  2. Kok hakovod to Tapper…after the 5th time answering every question with “Trump is a genius” , Tapper literally cut Miller off at the knees and moved to a commercial. Not sure why they even booked this weirdo for an interview.

  3. The Trumpkopfs have changed their story about Donald’s role in writing and rewriting the Trumpkopf Jr’s role in the meeting with the Russians. This is probably the most obvious lie they have been caught in thusfar, where the President first denied and then acknowledged his role in the statement. However, lying on twitter and even on national TV is not a crime unless under oath or lying directly to a federal official with criminal enforcement powers.

  4. In addition to the suitable Fake news title on CNN, u can see the unprofessionalism of their reporters.

    Conversation should not be a 1 sided opinion. Clearly u see hear that CNN couldn’t swallow the difference in opinion and ends the interview like a wussy boy!

    They dig their own grave! Lol

  5. Anyone who actually bothers to watch CNN will know that Jake Tapper is a great host. He is truly fair and balanced and a strong defender of Israel. Great to watch a graduate of Akiba Hebrew Academy cut off Stephen Miller who is an unapologetic alt right supporter and good friend and acquaintance of neo-nazi Richard Spencer.

  6. As Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said “You have a right to your own opinion, but not to your own facts” Tapper was right to cut off Stephen Miller but he should have explained it with simpler words so that Trump supporters would understand why he was doing it.

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