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Italian Police Shut Down Internet Blog Listing 162 Jewish University Professors

com.jpgAccording to a report by the EJP, Italian Interior Minister Giuliano Amato ordered on Friday the closure of an Internet blog that listed the names of 162 Jewish University professors who are are accused of “doing lobby in favour of the Zionists.”

The move came after Rome’s Jewish Community complained to the authorities

Signed by “Re” (king, in Italian) the blog also displayed a number of articles dedicated to Holocaust revisionism, to former Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini and to anti-Zionism.

The website confessed how the author managed to obtain the 162 names: they were copied from a list of signatures from a petition protesting against an anti-Semitic academic boycott which took place in the UK months ago.
The blog explained that most of the 162 professors “belong to La Sapienza University of Rome, have a Jewish last name and publicly support Israeli politics”.
The professors are accused of serving the cause of Israel and not the interest of Italy, are indicated as spy inside the Italian system and accused of giving to Israel all kinds of scientific info (thesis, data, researches and everything carried out in universities) and “that would explain why Israel is so avant-garde.”
The blog also calls on Italian students to be careful with their Jewish professors and to learn how to recognize a Jewish surname.

(Source: EJP)

One Response

  1. My bet this is an Islamic שונא ישראל. What a מגיפהthis Osama has wrought. I read recently a report that most of the cases of anti-semitic crimes conducted in Europe were perpetrated by the growing Moslem populations. We must constantly be מתפלל for אחינו בני ישראל הנתונים בצרה ובשביה המקום ירחם עליהם.

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