Frigid Temps Continue On Motzei Shabbos In NYC Area

Bone-chilling cold continued on Shabbos in the New York area, with temperatures starting out in the single digits and dangerously low wind chills making it feel even colder.

A wind chill advisory is in effect until Sunday at 10 a.m.

The temperature in Central Park Saturday morning was 8 degrees with a wind chill reading of -9.

The low on Motzei Shabbos could dip down to near zero in the city, breaking the old record of 4 degrees set in 2014.

Sunday will still be quite cold, but not as windy with sunshine giving way to increasing clouds and a high in the upper teens.

After the weekend, more relief is on the way.

Monday will be rather cloudy and not as cold with some snow, ice or rain possible, especially in the afternoon and at night. The high temperature may rise above freezing for the first time in 13 days.

Clouds will break for some sunshine on Tuesday, with the high actually reaching 40 or higher. Some chillier air returns for the middle of next week, but nothing like what we’ve been experiencing recently.


4 Responses

  1. Bone-chilling cold So much better than Triple “H” Hot Hazy Humid. 1) Because it feels so much better. 2) Because far fewer lack of Tzenius issues to contend with.

  2. Stay warm! Hang in there! You’ll make it! Here in Chicago, this whole past week has been frigid. Real negative temps with wind chills down to -20. BRRRR!!!

  3. To 147….Tzenius is a state of mind….a woman dressed in tight leggings can be just as problematic in some circles as a woman in short skirt or bare arms. Its whats in YOUR head, not in her’s

  4. @gadolhadorah apparently what’s in his mind is a man’s mind unlike your feminist view of everything. As a man when you see a woman improperly dressed it is a battle with the yetzer hara. No doubt a woman in tight leggings cam be a challenge for some but A not nearly as great and B. It A too cold out there to look at anyone so sorry if you thought you can dress improperly because you convinced urself in ur mind that u are proper

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