WATCH: Special Prayer For President Recited At Major ‘Seudas Hoda’ah’ Attended By Hundreds Of Activists In Rubashkin Case


Hundreds of community activists involved in the case on behalf of Shalom Rubashkin were invited to a Seudas Hoda’ah in Monsey on Monday night to celebrate his release. The event was held at the Ateres Charna Hall in New Square.

There were speeches by various activists as well as from Rubashkin himself.

“Hanosen Teshua Lamilachim” (הַנּוֺתֵן תְּשׁוּעָה לַמְּלָכִים) – a special prayer for Kings and dignitaries which appears in many Sedurim, was recited for President Donald Trump by attorney Yerachmiel Simmons. The crowd erupted into applause when the name of the President of the United States was mentioned.

The main speaker was Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz of the Yated Ne’eman Newspaper.

In a social media post about the event, Yisroel Besser of Mishpacha magazine quoted Rabbi Lipschutz who was talking about the Achdus that the Rubashkin story generated: “Look at the head table and tell me if there’s anywhere in the world where we can have the Rov from Kiryas Yoel, Rav Moshe Kotlarsky from Crown Heights and Rav Genack from Teaneck”.

YWN notes that Rabbi Lipschutz was one of the central figures leading the fight to have Rubashkin released from prison.

Although many people did many things to help Rubashkin, not a week went by – for eights years – where the Yated didn’t have some sort of update on the Rubashkin case. Many articles were in depth, and explained the travesty of justice that was delivered to Rubashkin. Rabbi Lipschutz single-handily kept the Rubashkin case alive in the Orthodox Jewish media as he championed the cause every single week.

Rubashkin’s prison sentence was opposed by more than 115 former Attorney Generals, DAG’s, prosecutors, judges and legal scholars.

As YWN mentioned last night, before the Sedas Hoda’ah started, dozens of Jewish music stars were at the hall to record a remix of the “Unity” song which was made when Rubashkin was given his harsh prison sentence. The video was featured on YWN in 2010 and was viewed nearly 1 million times since then.

12 Responses

  1. arib, the soldiers who kick Yidden out of their homes for a place being called “illegal” or who destroy shuls and yeshivas?

  2. kvetcher: not so simple??? you just made a public announcement that he should issue a public apology….mayne you can at least explain why he would owe you an apology.

  3. It would be worthwhile to give an apology and speak about the importance of staying on the right side of the law because he was convicted in a court of law of commiting financial crimes. Also Close to 400 illegal workers were arrested on one shift in his company and the Agriproccessers company admitted to using underage workers and paid a fine for it. Managers and workers in the company also served jail time. The injustice was in the sentence not the guilty verdict. Nobody is perfect and all people make mistakes but it is also important to learn from mistakes. It would be laudeable if SMR would use his new found status to lead the push to encourage us all to not cut corners and reach higher ethical standards.

  4. Have we not seen this movie before….as in at least half dozen other threads….not sure when its time to move on but we must be close to getting there…

  5. crazykanoiy, if you need Sholom Rubashking or any one else to encourage you to “not cut corners and reach higher ethical standards” then you really need help.

    Gadolhadorah , we all know you are depressed Rubashkin was released by Trump but get get over it.

  6. Its amazing how everyone commenting has advise on what and how others should act, (perhaps they should be introspective as to how honest they are when filing their own tax returns or when requesting a discount for tuition and perhaps conveniently forgetting to mention some side income or other ares in their life which they aretn up to par ) instead of just being happy for reb sholom on his freedom and bringing the many segments of klall yisroel together
    from people who have visited reb sholom over the past 8 years his emuna and bitochon is beyond what anyone in such a position would have to the point where he was giving chizuk to his visitors instead of the them giving him chizuk that tells you something about the person
    as far as the actual case do you think so many people would sign on in support of his release if they felt he deserved to be sitting ??
    ive been following this case over the past 8 years and i wouldnt have the chutzpa to write what some of the comments above have written
    im sure reb sholom forgives you but perhaps people shold think twice before commenting about others

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