VIDEO: Jewish Activists & Music Stars Attend Rubashkin ‘Unity Event’ Held In Monsey


A “Rubashkin Unity Event” was held in Ateres Charna Hall in New Square on Monday afternoon.

At the event were many Jewish music stars, who came to do a remix of the “Unity” song which was made when Rubashkin was given his harsh prison sentence. The video was featured on YWN in 2010 and was viewed nearly 1 million times since then.

Many Askonim and community activists who worked on the Rubashkin case were in attendance as well. (See flyer below with details on who attended.)

Seen in the video is Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz of the Yated dancing with Sholom Rubashkin. Rabbi Lipschutz was one of the individuals leading the fight to have Rubashkin released from prison. Although many people did many things to help Rubashkin, not a week went by – for eights years – where the Yated didn’t have some sort of update on the Rubashkin case. Many articles were in depth, and explained the travesty of justice that was delivered to Rubashkin. Rabbi Lipschutz single-handily kept the Rubashkin case alive in the Orthodox Jewish media as he championed the cause every single week.

(Yossi Taub – YWN)

7 Responses

  1. disgusting. when will this nonsense ever end? what a rachmanus on us if we need someone like Rubashkin to unify us. mayim genuvim yimtaku

  2. My thoughts on this situation are that I’ll give you an allegory “That there was a big Prison and in the prison all one man was unjustly taken into the solitary confinement and the prisoners worked overtime to get him out and after many years of hard work they got him out. They were very excited and were dancing and singing. A wise man passes the jail and says relax he’s still in jail you can be excited but save the dancing when you guys leave the jail and they look at him like he fell off the moon. Rabosai Rubashkin is still in jail and all of you are in jail!! The problem is that we think we’re free and Rubashkin was nebech in jail. It’s just the opposite he lived with Hashem for 8 years that’s freedom those of us that live a double life and don’t have Hashem in our life “that’s solitary confinement” Food for thought!

  3. The “Unity” song was originally sung on the Album MBD & Friends and it was the words where changed a bit for the Rubashkin saga. Although nice I think its time for YWN to put it to rest

  4. There are some in 770 who believe there should be a special celebration each year going forward and we should rename Zois Chanukah to Zois Shlomo Mordechai and add an additional candle to the chanukiyah to commemorate his release…not sure if they are serious or some creative chabadniks have just purchased the only 10-candle menorah factory in China. They couldn’t confirm whether when lighting the 10th (SMR) candle, we would sing the Achdus Song in lieu of al hanism.

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