WATCH: Trump Has Truck Block CNN From Videoing Him Golfing

5 Responses

  1. Cnn a bunch of low life sore losers who cant accept that trump won the presidency. The more they try to make him look bad the more they embarrass them selves. So awesome!!

  2. What a coward and a loser of a reporter. We can see he’s golfing, so what more do you want to see? He’s not obscuring anything, he just wants his privacy.

  3. To Fenster613
    This clown was elected in a campaign featuring his constant criticism of Obama’s golfing (primarily at a nearby military course)…..instead, Trump has visited his properties 113 days of his 355 days in office….then he tweats how “hard” he is working (making believe he is engaged in Presidential business while sending off a tweet or two reminding the world of his gadlus).

  4. Good for Trump!! Of course I couldn’t stand when Obummer spent all his time golfing because he was so bad for this country. I feel that Trump is doing so much better for this country than his predecessor that I Idon’t mind his golfing. I guess that is a little hypocritical. But too bad!

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