WATCH: Lakewood Cops Ticket Dozens Of Illegally Parked Cars At BMG

BMG Kollel Yungerleit got a Holiday gift courtesy of the Lakewood Police Department on Tuesday afternoon.

Dozens of Yungerleit returned to their vehicle after first Seder to find the tickets on their windshield. It appears the vehicles were parked too close to the corners – which technically is against the law.

(Yossi Kaplan – YWN)

22 Responses

  1. I’m sorry, but the cynical video guy is wrong.

    While I’m not saying you should call the police and have them come give tickets, you can’t make fun/blame them.

    1st of all, we can’t pick and choose what we want we want the police to enforce.

    2nd, just last week someone was critically injured because of the precarious (illegal) way people park on the link.

    3rd, C”v think about a fire (or worse) with thousands of people there…

    4th, this isn’t a new issue, we all can agree that yeshivah should do something about the parking- but that doesn’t give us a right to break laws that are ment to protect us and keep us safe.

    Kudos to the LPD and thanks for all your work that you do on behalf of lakewood!

  2. Maybe get rubashkin to influence the chief of police to expunge those tickets. After all it is excessive punishment to get a ticket for parking in a no parking zone.

  3. For years many people would park in illegal spots that also blocked in another car, and leave their cars unlocked with the keys in the car in case it had to be moved. I guess those days are coming to an end.

  4. Wait….the police dared to ticket yeshiviahe yungerleit!!??
    Anti semites!!!!
    How dare they ticket tnem for thos bogus law!
    We should all gayher outside tje pre int amd demonstrate! I wonder if tbeu do that in harlem when cars are parker too close to the corner?

  5. Wait….the police dared to ticket yeshiviahe yungerleit!!??
    Anti semites!!!!
    How dare they ticket tnem for those bogus laws!
    We should all gather outside the precinct amd demonstrate! I wonder if they do that in harlem when cars are parked to close to the corner?

  6. And of course, this is an illustration of blatant anti-Semitism or perhaps these yungerleit simply believe they don’t have to follow dina d’malchusa because every second spent searching for a legal parking spot is bitul torah.

    P.S. Its not “technically” against the law…it is against the law.

  7. You know, we cannot think we are above the law. If its against the law, then don’t do it. They know they are parking too close to the corner, or whatever, theyre just hoping the police wont notice. So don’t kvetch when they do notice.

  8. Happy to see a police department enforcing the law the way it’s supposed to be. Parking near the Yeshiva in no way allows one to park illegally.
    Kol Hakavod to the Lakewood Police Department!

  9. It’s against the law and a BIG SAKANAH!!
    I don’t know why we have to wait for an accident to occur. A summons is nothing compared to someone getting hurt.

  10. Not quite sure why this is news. Other than the fact that in Lakewood, many think the law only applies to others. It is not “technically against the law”, it IS against the law. These corners are generally very clearly marked with yellow paint and the law is not a new one, very well known and has been enforced in the past. The implied message of this piece seems to be that because they’re yungerleit and in BMG, they should not receive these tickets. If it were businessmen at an office building, it would be different? Because that is certainly the undertone.

  11. The unusually large number of comments to this article suggests that the actions of these bnai Torah, and also the tone of this article itself point to a serious attitude problem in our yeshivishe culture. Those attitudes would be a great topic for a mussar shmuze (assuming that the people who most need to hear such shmuzen don’t run out of the B”M).

  12. Is the implication of this article that Jews should not receive parking tickets for violating parking laws and regulations? And what’s pshat with “technically”? Murder and rape are technically against the law as well.

  13. DF
    curious if you’d sing the same song if you were amongst those ticketed ??perhaps a warning and sign hanging on bulletin board advising everyone that the police will be coming around starting this and this date would be more civil and appropriate.
    I see many illegally parked cars near the church on route 9 corner 88 every sunday and no tickets are given out why the double standard ???
    do our heimish elected officals representing us not owe us the courtsey of at least warning the olam before hand ??
    these things dont just happen by themselves a directive is given from above so theyre in the know about whats happening and if for some reason they arent then they arent doing their jobs and its time for them to move on
    just saying …

  14. I hope someone explains to the nice police officers that there’s a big safek about whether dina d’malchusa dina covers tickets, or restrictions regarding parking. It’s possible that we have no chiyuv to follow police directives on this issue.

  15. And I really hope that the LPD consulted with the roshei yeshiva shlit”a, or some other posek, before they decided that people should be ticketed for this. A decision like this certainly requires input from gedolei torah and daas torah.

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