WATCH: Rubashkin Visits Skverer Cheder In Monsey; Hundreds Of Children Line Up To Receive Candy From Him

5 Responses

  1. @Arib:
    They voted Hillary because the Clintons were instrumental in releasing four of their own members; that is basic Hakarat HaTov.

  2. To DerYidd:

    Why? Rubashkin is not a felon. He was railroaded by anti-Semites. Should not have been convicted at all in the first place.

    Yes – The Chinuch these children receive is to be proud to be a Yid and have Emunah and Bitochin

  3. The wicked people are back on YWN!

    Even if he was a felon one can do Teshuva!

    What would you say to Reb Akiva’s 24,000 Talmidim? Go learn in a different yeshiva? Or should we stop learning Gemora becaus a large part is based on the teaching of Reb Akiva and Reb Shimon Ben Lokish?

    YWN, who filters comments on your site? There is so much Shmootz that are let in! WHen it comes from a yid its worse than Goyim, its a BIG chillul Hashem!!!

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