NOW THIS: Rubashkin Gets Two Children Into Lakewood Yeshivas After Months Of Parents Trying

It’s not only Rechnitz who can get a child into school, now its Rubashkin.

That’s the “raid” in Lakewood on Tuesday morning, after Rubashkin intervened to get two children into Lakewood schools.

Sources have confirmed to YWN that there were two girls that were accepted into more than one school at the beginning of the year, but the parents have been insistent on wanting a particular school, and decided to keep their kids at home until December.

The Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva called all the “Roshei Hamosdos” on Sunday, and made it very clear. “No one is walking out of this room, until these two girls are accepted into schools.” There was no serious movement. The school that the parents had wanted didn’t budge.

Just a few minutes later, one of the school owners received a strange phone call. Sholom Rubashkin was on the phone. He had never spoke to Rubashkin before, but someone had given Rubashkin the school owners phone number. Rubashkin was straightforward. He asked the Rosh Hamosad to please take the girl into his Yeshiva. According to eye witnesses, the man “got all emotional”, and immediately decided to take the child into his Yeshiva. The second child was taken into a school a few minutes later, after a “Gorel” was made between the Mosdos.

YWN reminds our readers that in 2016, R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, the Philanthropist from Los Angeles delivered a powerful speech at a well-attended dinner that rocked the Lakewood community – and the Chareidi world at large. A video of the speech was viewed hundreds of thousands of times. The controversy exploded, with Rechnitz issuing a statement and clarification letter. The issue that everyone was afraid to speak about in Lakewood was finally brought to the forefront, and was rapidly spreading to other Frum communities around the world that suffer from the same issue.

One person who spent 25 year in Chinuch told YWN that thanks to Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz, the Yeshivas have started working harder to accept children into their schools.

(Charles Gross – YWN)

27 Responses

  1. I think the key statement in this article is “school owners”. If schools would be a public trust, we wouldn’t have these problems.

  2. If I would be in chinuch, I would find this story and others like it a total embarrassment. This exposes a shameful attitude of yeshivos (include girls schools) that are unresponsive to the needs of kids and parents, but will bend over backwards to pacify a celebrity or someone with money. In the case of this article, it appears the parents were being unreasonable, though I withhold judgment. But it is a black eye for yeshivos that acquiesce to notoriety without being completely sworn to meet the needs of our children. This is a truly shameful form of narcissism.

    I recognize the emotional reaction that the yeshiva’s spokesperson/administrator (or whatever the title was) to speaking to the man of the hour. It is a sad commentary that it was standard procedure to apply for yeshivos, get rejected, and to travel to E”Y to procure letters from the gedolei E”Y insisting to accept the applicants. There is a game being played here that places yaldei Yisroel at severe risk. It casts an image that the yeshiva is exclusive, which is nothing more than a basic taavah, not a true indication of spiritual excellence. Having spoken to hundreds of parents over the years of rejections that are not about mismatch between the needs of the talmid and the available resources of the yeshiva (which does happen), I cannot give yeshivos a free pass. Rechnitz made this an issue, and spoke boldly and fearlessly. I was upset that he was forced to retract.

    If yeshivos were serious about fulfilling their Divine mandate, most rejections would never happen. They would not be competing, and every single menahel would be gratified by seeing a talmid placed, whether by his yeshiva or elsewhere. This same menahel would be unable to sleep knowing that there is a yeshivaless kid anywhere.

    We are obsessed with creating barriers against the Yetzer Horah. Restrictions on cell phones, tznius standards that are held against talmidim, etc. But these restrictive policies push kids into the street where none of these safeguards or standards exist. Then we cry about their loss. That hypocrisy is only acceptable with the recognition that this seems apropos considering the list of conditions that are to exist in Ikvasah Demeshicho.

  3. I’m sorry, this is really unacceptable!

    To the parents: there is no reason why you should deprive your children an education until you “get what you want” are your children pawns to your own wishes, other schools gladly accepted them and that should be enough! and if the reason is the “shtultz” for shidduchim when they grow up, I hope the kids don’t turn out as stubborn as the parents!

    this is Lakewood people, not some out of town community!

    To the school: the same applies to you! do you have a reputation to keep and this family doesn’t fit that reputation? are you willing to throw a kid off the derech for that?

    and if it’s about money, a kid’s education is worth way more than anything!

    and what did Rubashkin say that changed all of this, it doesn’t say

    and this line “The second child was taken into a school a few minutes later, after a “Gorel” was made between the Mosdos.” doesn’t make sense if this line “Sources have confirmed to YWN that there were two girls that were accepted into more than one school at the beginning of the year, but the parents have been insistent on wanting a particular school, and decided to keep their kids at home until December.”

  4. This case should not be the poster child example of people not getting into schools, if the article is correct it states the child was accepted into a few schools but the parents only wanted a specific school. Im sorry but if your child was accepted into multiple schools and you choose to be stubborn then you get no rachmonis from me. and 2nd if a child had a school to go to and the parents anyway kept the child from going to school until December that my friends is child abuse

  5. “the issue that everyone was afraid to speak about in Lakewood was finally brought to the forefront,”

    And despite all that these two girls were not accepted!

    The “owners” of such mosdos should be exposed, and all donors should have a choice of withdrawing donations of any such mosdos!

    This is unacceptable and it shows that if they “wanted” they could have accepted these girls in the first place!

  6. I agree with the above commentors. In this case the PARENTS are nuts! They were accepted into numerous mosdos but not the specific one that THEY wanted??? So they hold their kid at home/prison! Altz faar kavod! And then these Chachomim wonder why their own kids go off the derech. Such small feeble minded idiots.

  7. This story is bizarre as reported. The girls were accepted into school. The Roshe Yeshiva demanded they be accepted. The parents held them out of school till december?

  8. Please bear in mind how much more Torah learning now in the Zechus of President Donald Trump. Every ounce of Torah learning by these 2 girls “Ad Sof haDoros” shall accrue more merits for President Donald Trump.

  9. I think it’s a sad point in klal yisroel when regular people hold more water than a Rosh yeshiva…thats what I took out of this story.

  10. The key words in this article is:
    Sources have confirmed to YWN that there were two girls that were accepted into more than one school at the beginning of the year, but the parents have been insistent on wanting a particular school, and decided to keep their kids at home until December.

    All the parents fault. Sorry. And I fully agreed with rechnitz at the time but this time these parents deserve to lose their kids. That’s the shameful part.

  11. It’s nauseating when these Rosh Hamosdos (credentials, Masters in עם הארצות) possess “Their” Mosdos as their personal treasure, but have massive Dinners and Parlor Meetings how it’s all for the כלל!

  12. It’s unbelievable how people can comment such insult to the parents and really believe such a ridiculous story. I actually know who this is and there are very important facts that are missing from the story and it is extremely disturbing that these two girls have to be spoken about all throughout town and beyond. Can’t they enjoy their first few days at school this year!?!?!. I will just tell u some facts that I know to be completely true. One is that one girl was accepted to a NEWER school that is of low standards in Ruchnius. She would never apply there. That was NOT one of her three choices that she had to indicate on the application. Yes, she would rather stay home and have private learning sessions than to be in school and listen to girls talk about movies. Her family did everything with their family Rav. So much for bashing the families. One more thing is that R Rubashkin told the school that if he accepts the girl, he’s willing to give over all the zechusim he acquired in the 8 years he sat in prison. Kach shamati. (Second hand)

  13. Schools don’t have “owners”???
    So who them is responsible to pay the bills when the tuition isn’t enough to cover the salaries or expenses?
    People are so blind it boggles the mind.
    These owners are pressured by their own parent body that if they take certain kids they will lose many many other parents. They have to survive themselves. This story is completely twisted and baloney. There’s no way Rubashkin just “convinced” them. There’s more to the story here.

  14. Schools don’t have “owners”???
    So who them is responsible to pay the bills when the tuition isn’t enough to cover the salaries or expenses?
    People are so blind it boggles the mind.
    These owners are pressured by their own parent body that if they take certain kids they will lose many many other parents. They have to survive themselves. This story is completely twisted and baloney. There’s no way Rubashkin just “convinced” them. There’s more to the story here.

  15. When I was in sixth grade, I was called out of class in middle of davening. We were in middle of saying Baruch She’amar. I was told to gather my stuff and leave the classroom immediately. (Davening can wait…)

    I was a very shy student. I will never forget the shame and embarrassment and confusion. I had no idea why I was being singled out.

    The reason was that my parents couldn’t pay tuition up front. This was only a few weeks into the school year. My sisters and I were home for three months until another school accepted us.

    I did not go OTD and I do not harbor any resentment, however, if the reason for denying children entry is due to money- then why must the child suffer? We, the young innocent children suffered the most.

    If the reason is due to the child’s behavior or hashkafa, then get them help as Rabbi Shteineman zt”l was very insistent that no child be left out of school and if the school does not want to accept them then create a school that fits their needs. (I’ve read that story about the Miami Yeshiva here on YWN)

    This is the responsibility of the community and all the schools. It is a collective responsibility. One institution can not just deny entry and then “wash their hands clean and say it’s not their problem anymore…”

    If the situation came to your doorstep then HaShem wanted you to be involved in some way.

    When I applied to a popular local Main Stream seminary, I wasn’t accepted due to money and the unabashedly stated so. B”H I stayed religious and have a strong connection to HaShem perhaps in spite of some of these trying instances.

    I’ve learned that one can rely only on HaShem and also that people do not represent HaShem. If a frum Jew, be it a “Rebetzin, Rabbi” or regular person hurts you, their actions have nothing to do with Judaism or G-D. Yes, frum people should know better and be “a light unto the nations…” however many individuals are not and therefore I don’t allow their actions to taint my view of Judaism or G-D.
    Through separating these concepts I’ve been able to stay on the right path; one that consists of middos, davening, emunah, bitachon and valuing Torah concepts.

    However, many children can easily get turned off by such rejection and that is something that the mossed/ school/ yeshiva in question will have to answer for after 120.

  16. I find it quite disturbing that YWN would take an event of Achdus (freeing of Rubashkin) and turn it into machlokes and subsequent divisiveness. I guess you do what’s good for business.

  17. To ah ha

    Baltimore has its own issues….e.g. Yeshiva Beth Tefillah does NOT accept everyone; there are legitimate reasons why some schools may not accept a particular student although I would agree, its less of a problem in Baltimore than in Lakewood

  18. No school accepts everyone there are limited number of spaced in each class room and yes the owners of these schools are trying to give quality education. No parent has the right to demand a particular school if they don’t fit in
    What important is the parents taking them out of school

  19. kollel faker:

    Once again, we must put things in balance. You are correct, that parents sometimes insist that their child be accepted to a school that is a poor fit. There are likely social reasons for this, but I can imagine others. Parents might be out of line.

    School owners are trying to give quality education. I bet some are. But I bet that some are not. There is an obsession with the reputation and image of a yeshiva or girls school. There is much they will do, otherwise deplorable, to maintain or enhance that image. And it may not be the every day or every yeshiva issue, but it is way too often to ignore, that these “needs” are given precedence over the needs of an individual talmid. The typical line, that sounds PC, is that one must rule in favor of the tzibbur over the yochid. Unfortunately, when these types of shailos were presented to so many gedolim of the recent generations, they did not side with that logic. Rav Shteinman ZT”L was noteworthy for his insistence that the yochid cannot be pushed down the priority ladder. I suggest that this is a mesora he had from the Chazon Ish, from whom there are quotes on this. That Satmar Rov ZT”L also took such a position.

    In balance, there are parents that insist on admissions that are not appropriate for the match of the talmid to the school, and there are yeshivos who deny, reject, and expel for all the wrong reasons. No statistics, and they would not matter. But both of these are problem areas, and both need to be addressed and fixed.

  20. This article smacks of sensationalism. I doubt the story happened as described.

    Anonymous72, I almost came to years reading how you were dragged out. Glad you somehow got over it.

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