WATCH: Motzei Shabbos Rubashkin Tour: Havdallah In Boro Park, Dancing With Munkatcher Rebbe


Sholom Rubashkin spent Shabbos at the home of his parents in Boro Park at 15th Avenue and 55th Street, and once again, people were eager to greet him and shake his hand.

On Motzei Shabbos, the house was packed with Chassidim as Sholom Rubashkin made his first Havdallah as a free man (see video below).

Shalom Rubashkin’s father and children then joined the Munkatcher Rebbe at his Bais Medrash on 14th Avenue for singing and dancing (see video below).

The song playing is a composition by Yossi Green released in Rubashkin’s honor (see video below).

As YWN reported, Sholom Rubashkin visited New Square on Erev Shabbos, where thousands (literally) of Skverrer Chassidim filed past him to shake his hand.

(Charles Gross – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. The reason why everyone is celebrating is because everyone knows that he only got into this mess because of PETA activists. The immigration charges were thrown out and the punishment he received was deemed excessive by many legal authorities. Klal Yisroel took this very personal and although no one articulated it was perceived as either anti frum or downright anti-semitisim..

  2. MoshefromMidwood,

    If you truly were glad he’s out, you’d be focusing on that and the unbelievable achdus we are seeing in our community. By you, and several other very smart people harping on other things – I think it shows your real feelings.
    Noone has yet said he didn’t make any mistakes. But there is no question- this man was set up for the situation he fell into because there were very powerful people out to get him, they go by the name PETA. The immigration raid on his plant was virtually unheard of, using immigrants was standard in the industry but that raid put him (and the tiny Des Moines) out of business. This man ran a very successful company until these sickos decided to run him down. Any false statements he signed or made were all after that raid, when he was desperately trying to stay afloat, trying to get a loan.

    I don’t believe you can say with confidence what you would do if you were c’v in his shoes. Until you can; you should not be judging him. Rejoice for another yid’s freedom, that’s all there is to it……oh, and keep your distance from PETA.

  3. PETA was just one element of the evil conspiracy to destroy Rubashkin. It started with greedy and corrupt local and State politicians demanding bribes and political donations from Rubashkin only to be booted out of his office. Turning unions against Agriprocessor also did not help. “Jewish” Eraf Rav traitors also played their part by destroying Rubashkin reputation by publishing false roomers in Fake Media publications like “The Forward” (this is probably where MosheFromMidwood gets his news from) that Rubashkin was running meth lab and child prostitution ring inside his kosher meat plant.

  4. With these mindless conspiracy theories about evil yidden colluding with Fake News, labor unions, PETA and Hillary Clinton (did I leave anyone out??), I have to wonder whether MeshugaMoshefromMidwood is really Joe posting under his new name. Yes, the concerted efforts of yidden from all segments of klal yisroel along with non-Jews from across the political spectrum came together successfully to correct the absurdly unjust sentence but this “SMR Road Show” has gone a bit over the deep end. All to often when yidden who have clearly committed crimes and been caught and later freed, their original crimes are minimized in the celebration of pidyon shavuim . We should celebrate the neis of their redemption with a renewed commitment to live our lives in an ethical manner that conforms 110 percent to dina d’malchusa.

  5. Gadolhadorah, before displaying your ignorance on this forum for everyone to see, please educate yourself with facts about Rubashkin case instead of calling it “mindless conspiracy “.

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