VIDEOS: Rubashkin Tour Continues; Thousands Shake His Hand In New Square As Dozens Cheer Trump Motorcade In FL


The Rubashkin celebration continued on Friday, as Sholom Rubashkin has become a celebrity-like individual. Everywhere he has gone since President Donald Trump ordered his release from prison, everyone simply wants to shake his hand or just to greet him.

On Friday, Rubashkin visited the Skverer Rebbe in New Square where he met with the Rebbe inside his home. Following the meeting, Rubashkin went outside, as thousands filed past him to shake his hand and wish him well.

Rubashkin went to at least one wedding and one Shiva location since his release, and the crowds followed him wherever he went.

Meanwhile, in West Palm Beach, Florida, dozens of people lined the sidewalks as the Trump motorcade passed by on the way to  Mar-a-Lago. Signs were handed out to the crowd which thanked the President for commuting the sentence of Rubashkin.

Other folks were holding signs praising Trump’s announcement that Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel.

In the photo below (taken from a video), one can see a smiling and waving Trump as his car passed the crowd in Florida.

(Charles Gross – YWN)

29 Responses

  1. I can understand people’s happiness over a felon’s release. but treating him like a hero shows a problem inherent in the hashkafah of those celebrating.

  2. I think arib is a bit exaggerating. Instead the lesson is steal, lie, and commit 86 counts of financial fraud. Get caught and sentenced to prison. If your sentence is too long (it was waaaay too long), and your wealth and connections can help get you out early, then we’ll celebrate when you get out!! Mazal tov!!

  3. The celebrations are for the reversal of an unjust sentence, hopefully not for SMR as an individual. he committed serious crimes and paid his debt to society. He should have been released a year or two ago.

  4. All your friends at Peta are the tzaddikim that snitched on him. The mamzerim also don’t want to find out about the mesirus nefesh that he went through to eat kosher, wear a yarmulka and to spend hours in a corner in order not to see TV. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to me, for there have always been mamzerim, reshaim, and hellenists in klal yisroel.

  5. the biggest problrem is the chasidik community does not think he did anything wrong because he only committed financial fraud and thats a mitzvh if you give 10 percent to the mosdos of the stolen money

  6. Hearing all the details of the story I’m not convinced that he’s guilty. So all you haters who “care so much” about the law are you so convinced that this corrupt judge and prosecutors got it right??

  7. anon your dreaming he is not yosef he was oversentanced yes but he still comitted financial fraud thats why tump did not pardon him, anyway who dod you vote for probaby hillary

  8. So many people are so quick to judge others. Chazal have what to say about that – Al tadin es chaveiro ad sh’tagia l’mkomo. Period.

  9. For all the mamzerim that frequent YWN. FYI he was forced into the fraud that he committed because of the impossible fines that were slapped on him because of blatant anti semites.

  10. And he didn’t/doesn’t have any money to bribe chassidic communities into supporting him. They truly look up to him as a symbol of mesirus nefesh. A perfectly ordinary guy and all, but a symbol of mesirus nefesh.

  11. He was never given a fair hearing in court & therefore remains innocent until proven guilty. Nebach, there are frum assimilated Jews who don’t share in the excitement of this modern day miracle of pidyon shvuyim. I wonder if they did anything to help this poor yid be released.

  12. Arib in your dictionary it says if someone is doing something wrong he/she deserve 27 years prison, I hope you don’t treat your kids like this when they lie or do something wrong.

    It also seems that you are not familiar with this case, or you have stocks in the same company where his judge family have invested few days before they come down to agriprocessing and arrested all the ileagal imigrents and make money on the jails system.

  13. “what a great message to teach our children steal, lie become a hero”

    i agree. This should be kept modest. This man obviously didn’t learn humility in prison.

  14. It seems that some of the posters think Rubashkins story began with his arrest 9 years ago. It began 2-3 years earlier when PETA activists began a vicious campaign against him. The feds going after him was because of PETA this is why yidden from chasidich to litvish took this personally. If he was arrested only because of fraud he wouldnt have made the news

  15. Arib, you are wrong. We DON’T think he was innocent of the crime – after all, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. However we are celebrating an end to his incarceration which, as M said, was waaaaay too long for the crime. Child molesters get less – especially “frum” ones. As for stealing money… that wasn’t what he did. He inflated the company’s profits to secure bank loans, which he wasn’t able to pay because the government halted a sale that would have paid back the loan. So he stood no chance of “getting away with anything.”

    And yes, he had TREMENDOUS Emunah & Meseiros Nefesh to stick to his beliefs & not get involved with the shtusim of the jail. It can’t have been easy to avoid the TV, or be able to spend time davenning (if he was given more than 10 minutes). Nobody should ever get themselves into this type of situation.

    He’s out, B”H. Can’t we just be happy for him, his family & friends and all the millions of people who worked so hard to achieve this? Do you have to begrudge his freedom? I hope you are as adamant about getting Kolko & Mondorowitz back to face THEIR repulsive crimes.

  16. arib: you only know that he…. 86…
    Let me ask you do you know way the FBI was on him in the first place?
    Do know that he was willing sell his company to pay back? But the jug didn’t approve it.
    And btw wen talking about the chasidim this year most of the arrests happened in Lakewood.

  17. Can all you haters just keep quiet. People are celebrating his release not because of he is some hero. All agree he was wrong. And all agree that his sentence was excessive. People are celebrating the release of a mentch who has shown us what emunah and bitachon means.

  18. arib, your comments look like they could be written by some one who is the worst kind of mozer and self-hating “Jew”. i can understand now why there were so many kapos among “our” people.

  19. What a shame that the commenters above mamesh DON’T KNOW much about the case other than what they have been fed through some divisions of the media.

    When his company was raided for illegal aliens (no doubt PETA and unions yemach sh’mom were involved), there were no charges pressed based on any part of that ICE raid. The government went hunting for something and they finally got him on a technicality of not paying the bill for cattle on the same day that you bought it. That law was probably made in the 1800’s. Nowadays EVERYONE buys on credit, so this was utterly insane. There was a plea bargain agreement reached where as he would sell his interest in the company, which he was willing to sell to his family members however, the government decided that was not good enough and they forced him to sell outside. However, in the interim, he wasn’t able to pay bills so they defaulted some loans WHICH THE BANKS WERE WILLING TO RENEGOTIATE BASED ON PAST EXPERIENCE WITH THE RUBASHKINS.

    That still wasn’t good enough for the feds so they nailed him for not paying fraud.

  20. we are all happy he got his sentence commuted they should not be dancing in the streets like he is yosef hatzadik, where is all of new square when an israeli soldier is impronsined they are nowhere because in their warpt mind stealing from the governmnet is a mitzva hserving in the israeli army is an aveirah , so they have a messed up value system

  21. I don’t know why arib repeat the ugly statement again and again that the “chasidim think that stealing from the government is a mitzvah “ do you still read the German shturmer from 1940 what have similar hate against jews, or you really think it’s true, or you just talking from hate?

    By the way can I see your books and your text returns I want to see who the Arib who is behind this statement that the chasidim are stealing

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