10:00PM EST: Misaskim has just contacted YWN, and are seeking the assistance from the Flatbush community. A few hours ago, a woman by the name of Pearl Goldsmith A”H was R”L found dead in her apartment. She lived at 1015 Avenue N in Flatbush since 1969, and was born in 1931. Misaskim has no information as to whom her next of kin is, and is reaching out to the Flatbush community for help. If anyone has any information on whom this woman is, please contact the Misaskim offices ASAP so she can be brought to Kevurah, at 877-Chesed-6 or 718-854-4548.
Additionally, the NYPD is conducting an investigation to locate her family as well.
Please forward this information to anyone who lives in the area of Avenue N and Coney Island Avenue.
5 Responses
Mamesh Chesed shel emes.
did she have a job ? any photos you can post of her or if any of her family (photo’s in wallet etc..)? baruch dayan emes.
They should contact some of the older shuls, ie: Avenue N Jewish Center, Talmud Torah of Flatbush, Young Israel of Flatbush, East Midwood Jewish Center
mi ke’amcha yisroel
Bottom line here is, has anyone found out who she is? Who will sit shiva for her? Say kaddish for her? I sent emails out to everyone I know that has email. I also posted a copy of the Misaskim/Yeshivaworld request in my shul. Has anyone else done the same or are we too busy put SHTUSS on this blog? Get up and do something!!!!
Tizku L’mitzvos