Statement On President Trump Commuting Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin’s Sentence

With a profound sense of appreciation, Agudath Israel of America gratefully welcomes the news of President Trump’s commutation of the sentence of Sholom Rubashkin.

The injustice of Mr. Rubashkin’s grossly excessive 27-year sentence was readily apparent to any fair-minded individual who reviewed the facts of the case. That is why so many Congressmembers from both sides of the political aisle, led by Senator Orrin Hatch and Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and well over 100 former high ranking Justice Department officials and other legal luminaries, have been publicly calling for executive clemency.

Through today’s action, President Trump has shown that he too understood that something went terribly wrong in the prosecution and sentencing of Sholom Rubashkin – and, further, that he would not allow this blot on our criminal justice system to stand uncorrected. The president deserves to be congratulated and thanked – not only by Mr. Rubashkin’s family and friends, but by all who care about fairness and justice.

Agudath Israel has long advocated that Sholom Rubashkin be freed from prison and reunited with his loving family. That day has finally arrived.

Baruch HaShem.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. what cool dressing and highly intellectual liberal Obama would NOT do, hard headed President Trump had the courage and decency to do.

    Thank you Mr. Trump!!!!

  2. noe we have to daven that the judge sould finnish the sentence
    which considering her age she should die in prison. after all the prison shuldnt be shortchanged, ‘vuetain adam tachtacha’

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