WATCH THIS: Williamsburg Yeshiva Bus Packed With Children Blows Red Light

13 Responses

  1. Slow news day?
    What’s this obsession with YWN ambulance chasing school buses?
    This is part of life in the big City.
    A total nothing burger.
    Get over it.

  2. How can you tell that this bus was not stuck in the middle of the intersection when the light turned red as you can clearly see the bus is still finishing a turn thats number 1 and number 2 you can not see that this bus is full of kids 3. how is this news??? where are the editors to review these things before posting

  3. 22menachem: It is not the first bus that is turning. It is the bus going straight that passed through the red light (along with another car). How once can tell from the angle that there were any passengers on the bus is beyond me.

  4. 22menachem 1) you are looking at the wrong bus. The one that “blows” the red light is the second bus that clearly passes through the red light after the light (that we see) changes to green (making it obvious that the second bus “blew” the red light). 2) You are correct and 3) You are once again correct.

  5. The person who took the video obviously know what they saw. The camera is not clear but the person taking the video knows what they saw.

  6. why isn’t the headline about the car before the bus that ran the red light first oh it was probably a LKWD yeshivisha shvager in his bent down & tie cause he has a shteller

    Moderators Response: because cars aren’t moving tanks, carrying 40 priceless diamonds on the way to Yeshiva, by a reckless driver. By the way, do you work for Pupa?

  7. actually moderator im not pupa but why don’t you drive around LKWD where all the reckless yeshivisha shvagers drive around-in their clunkers with their newborn babes in the front seat ohh but your not ganna bash them cause you do the same your only ganna write up about the chasidisha drivers

    Moderators Response: “ganna”? Did you mean the country of “Ghana”? Oh right. Silly me. Countries are bungalow colonies in upstate New York. Like “Satmar Country”, and “Pupa Country”. Please learn how to write in decent comprehensible English, the language of the land. Or did “Satmar Country” not properly educate you in order to sound like a half-decent upstanding normal productive member of society?

    By the way, what’s a “yeshivisha shvagers”? Is that a Shvigger? I thought so….. At least Shiviggers actually DRIVE in Lakewood. Unlike Saudi Arabia… I mean Kiryas Joel…. I mean New Square.

  8. sorry moderator missed spelled gonna
    do your homework idk about you I was never upstate in the summer. & how slow are you shvager is guy & shvigger is a women maybe in LKWD the lady’s are mamish yishivish so they get shtellers & run to yeshivah yoiysh & what does your wife drive a floatable that just sails through the stop sign by בית אהרן with your nebachdiga ירחמיאל הלוי in the front seat & then gets pulled & then all the dried out shvagers protesting that the cop is mamish a anti-semite

    Moderators Response: You misspelled “Missed Spelled” The only thing missed was the boat. And you were the one left behind.

  9. To the moderator,
    Yes this is a serious issue,
    but the way you are going on back and forth with demrebbe makes me think that this is Purim time!!!

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