German Menorah Lighting Becomes Front Page News Thanks to Muslim Protest


Extremist Muslims in Germany have been staging anti-Israel and anti-Trump protests since the U.S. President Trump announced his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital last week. These protests have seen widespread coverage in the German press. One of these protests was scheduled to take place a short time before the scheduled lighting of the Menorah Tuesday night by Chabad of Berlin in the square in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

The protesters obtained the required permits to hold a legal protest, something which caused a great deal of anguish for the Jewish community.

Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, Chief Rabbi of the Berlin community said: “We knew that if the protest took place in the same square as the candle lighting that it would be a catastrophe. Since the protest organizers already procured the required authorization, we approached the top level of the Berlin police and requested that the protest not be allowed to go on in the same square. Due to our urgent plea, the police commissioner moved the protest to another location.

The last-minute drama was picked up by the German press, who rushed to send their representatives to the candle lighting ceremony. A large part of the Jewish community, as well as Jewish tourists, attended the candle lighting that was run by Rabbi Teichtal and the Chabad Shaliach Rabbi Shmuel Segel.

“The police force sent a very large contingent of officers to make sure that the candle lighting was not disturbed, and because of all the drama surrounding the event, the miracle of Chanukah received the highest level of Pirsumei Nisa ever. Last night it opened all of the prime time news shows and this morning it is on the page of every newspaper,” said Rabbi Teichtal. “Our ceremony spread light, love, and happiness, whereas their protest spread only darkness and hate. I think we highlighted the difference between these two events rather well,” Teichtal concluded.

Front pages from major German newpapers this morning. (Credit:

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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