Kinus L’Zechus Refua Shelaim For Ruchama Chava Baila Bas Chaya

tehillim.jpgAt the request of Rabonim in Flatbush, Hakhel announces a Kinus this Sunday morning, 27 Shevat–February 2, as a zechus for Mrs. Ruchama Chava Baila (Chava) Friedman. The Kinus will be held at  Agudath Israel of Madison, Zichron Chaim Tzvi (Rabbi Reisman’s Shul), 2122 Avenue S, at 9 A.M.

The Program is as follows:

9 A.M. Tehillim, followed by an inspiring Shiur on  “Emunah and Simchas HaChaim” given by HaRav Yosef Eisen, Shlita, Rav of Kollel Bnei Torah.

10 A.M., HaRav Yisroel Reisman, Shlita, will give a practical Shiur on “How to Grow in Bain Odom L’Chaveiro”. 

Men and Women are urged to attend.

Please continue to daven and say Tehillim for Ruchama Chava Baila bas Chaya.

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