A crude pipe bomb strapped to a man inspired by the Islamic State group went off Monday in a crowded subway corridor near Times Square, injuring the man, slightly wounding three others and snarling the rush-hour commute for hundreds of thousands of New York workers.
Surveillance cameras captured the man walking casually through the crowded passageway when the bomb suddenly went off at 7:20 a.m. amid a plume of white smoke, which cleared to show the man sprawled on the ground and commuters fleeing in terror. Investigators said it was not clear if the bomb was set off intentionally or went off prematurely.
“This was an attempted terrorist attack,” Mayor Bill de Blasio told reporters. “Thank God the perpetrator did not achieve his ultimate goals.”
The suspect, who was identified as 27-year-old Akayed Ullah, was being treated at a hospital for burns to his hands and abdomen. The others who were injured suffered ringing in the ears and headaches.
Law enforcement officials said Ullah was inspired by the Islamic State group (ISIS) but had apparently not had any direct contact with the group. The officials said he lives in Brooklyn and came to the U.S. from Bangladesh about seven years ago on a visa. They said he was speaking with investigators from his hospital bed.
A person briefed on the investigation said Ullah came to the U.S. on an F-4 visa, a preferential visa available for those with family in the U.S. who are citizens or permanent residents, and that he made the bomb in his Brooklyn apartment. They spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the blast.
Investigators were searching his apartment, interviewing witnesses and relatives and looking for surveillance footage that may show his movements in the moments before the attack.
The explosion, which happened in an underground passageway under 42nd Street between 7th and 8th avenues, triggered a massive emergency response by police and firefighters both above and below ground, tangling subway and bus service at the nearby Port Authority bus terminal.
Everything around Times Square was shut down, halting what would ordinarily be a bustling rush hour at the “Crossroads of the World.”
Authorities said the bomb was a low-tech explosive device attached to the man with Velcro and plastic ties. They were investigating how it was made.
A photo published by the New York Post showed a bearded man crumpled on the ground with his shirt apparently blown off and black soot covering his bare midriff. A police officer was holding the man’s hands behind his back. Another photo shown on cable channel NY1 showed the bearded suspect, wide-eyed, on a stretcher being loaded into an ambulance.
Elrana Peralta, a customer-service worker for Greyhound, said she works in the Port Authority terminal complex near where the blast happened but did not hear the explosion.
“All we could hear was the chaos,” she said. “We could hear people yelling, ‘Get out! Get out! Get out!'”
John Miles, 28, from Vermont, was waiting for a bus to Massachusetts. He did not hear the blast either, but saw police react.
“I didn’t know what was going on. Officers were running around. I was freaking out,” he said. There was an announcement that people should take their bags and leave. “They didn’t incite panic. It was fairly orderly.”
White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted that President Donald Trump had been briefed on the explosion. Instead of commenting on the suspected terror attack, Trump sent a tweet at 9:17 a.m. criticizing a Sunday story in The New York Times that said he watched cable news television for at least four hours a day.
The blast came just weeks after eight people died in New York when another man, also said to be inspired by the Islamic State, drove a rented truck onto a bike path near the World Trade Center.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo said at a news conference following the attack that New Yorkers should be alert but go about their lives.
“Let’s go back to work,” he said. “”We’re not going to allow them to disrupt us.”

9 Responses
Thank you Mr President for yet another terrorist attack on your watch, very possible link to your Jerusalem announcement.
With all due respect, what are you trying to portray with your headline “BOTCHED ISIS TERROR IN MANHATTAN”
a Muslim? cant be after all Trump is racist for wanting to ban these peace lovers.
This story is obviously FAKE NEWS! Pretty boy Chris Wray, new puppet head of the CORRUPT FBI, told us just last week, that the FBI is working round the clock to keep us safe from terrorism. The perception that the main purpose of the DNC controlled FBI is to bring down every Republican politician and protect every Democrat politician, is a total illusion. The FBI has more important things to worry about, like, are those Orthodox Jews playing by the rules? Is he 42 years old or is he really 43? We better go raid his home ar 4:00 am. If there is any time left over they go searching if there are any evil white racist heterosexual males we can cook up a hate crime against?
Yes, I feel very safe knowing the FBI is doing all they can.
rt, were there no terror attacks prior to trump?
obsessions can be treated. seek out qualified professionals.
Do I hear any thanks to Obama for letting this garbage into the country?
“Thank you President Trump” – HUH??? How about thank you ISIS, or thank you Obama for calling Islam a “religion of peace” or thank you Teddy Kenedy for open borders to 3rd world countries, or thank you DiBlasio for funding CAIR and other terrorist oragnization (and thanks to all the useful idiots who voted for him). President Trump’s unprecedentaed move of acknowledging our right to our homeland should be applauded – in the information battlespace, exposing the lies destroys false narratives and ultimately deflates the enemies’ strength on the ground.
Relax, poster “rt” is just a garden variety anti-Semite, he thinks 9/11 was cuz of the Jews also, just ask his friend Michael Chikindas.
rt, Its all Trump’s fault.
rt, why not take a one way trip to that peaceful area of the world,
“Syria’s got a civil war. Iraq’s got a civil war. Lebanon is being slowly digested by Hezbollah. Yemen’s got a civil war. ISIS is operating in Egypt. Hamas is doing what Hamas does. The Palestinians are paying people to stab Jews. Libya is butchering Nigerian slaves. (Re-read that one.) Iran is building nukes to go on their missiles. Iran is trying to subvert Bahrain.
But Trump is going to set the region aflame.
Right. By Joshua Sharf