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WATCH: Karl Rove Breaks Down The Republican Divide Over Roy Moore

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  1. 1. An important caveat is to ask if someone who “believes” it supported Moore all along (most of the Republican establishment can’t stand him, and this goes way back to his time as Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court). What his opponents believe is less important.

    2. Another question to ask is whether one believes that the charges (involving improper behavior while dating 40 years ago) is the “tip of the iceberg” (meaning there is likely to be evidence of sexual misconduct during the last 40 years), rather than “all that there is” (meaning he’s not accused of sexual misconduct, and the non-criminal harassing behavior is limited to social situations before he was married, 40 years ago)

    3. For an establishment Republican such as Rove, the real problem is whether he fears the Democrats more than strengthing the factions of the Republican party that Rove can’t stand (and which can’t stand him).

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