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A Unique Experience Of Torah Lishma – In Newark

agudah112.jpgWith the sound of more than 200 lomdim “shteiging away” still echoing in the main ballroom of Yerushalayim’s Renaissance Hotel, the stage is being set for yet another unique demonstration of limud Torah lishma — this one on American shores. Come Friday afternoon, February 15/ 9 Adar1, scores of baaleibatim from throughout the New York metropolitan area and beyond will gather at the Newark Hilton Hotel for Agudas Yisroel of America’s second annual four-day “American Yarchei Kallah.”

Sponsored by the Agudah’s Torah Projects Commission, the new program is, indeed, modeled after the highly successful Yerushalayim Yarchei Kallah, which took place for the eighth time three weeks ago. In fact, says Commission co-chairman Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman, it was in response to numerous requests from bnei Torah who find it difficult to take a week off from work for the Eretz Yisroel program but wish to experience that same intense level of hasmada that the American Yarchei Kallah, which takes place over the President’s Day break, was developed.

Last year’s inaugural event, Rabbi Gottesman observes, far surpassed organizers’ expectations. “As is usually the case, the Ribbono Shel Olam gave a special siyata d’Shmaya to those who wish to delve deeply into his Torah.” The Yarchei Kallah was so successful, he notes, a good number of the lomdim put in their reservation for this year’s gathering even before they checked out of the hotel.  “Clearly, they felt that they had been part of a wonderful mesiba l’shem Shomayim, and were anxious to repeat the experience.”

Like the Yerushalayim Yarchei Kallah, the American event brings back to life, if only for four days, the special atmosphere of a yeshiva beis medrash. As one of last year’s participants put it: “I felt as if I were enrolled in a small, elite yeshiva where I was able to totally immerse myself in Torah and mussar and hear high level shiurim from world-class Roshei Yeshiva.”

Indeed, it was the privilege of just being in such close proximity to leading Torah scholars, of having the opportunity to chap a shmooze with this one after a shiur, to hear that one deliver a d’var Torah at the Shabbos table, that many participants found the most gratifying aspect of last year’s event.

The sugya of the upcoming Yarchei Kallah, Krias HaTorah, will feature in-depth shiurim by leading Roshei Yeshiva and maggidei shiur, including Rabbi Usher Weiss of Yerushalayim and Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Rosh Yeshiva, Telz Yeshiva (Lakewood) – both of whom will honor the gathering with their presence on Shabbos – as well as Rabbi Yeruchum Olshin, Rosh Yeshiva, Bais Medrash Govoha; and Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum, rav, Congregation Nachlas Yitzchok, Kew Garden Hills. Divrei chizuk will be offered by Rabbi Yaakov Reisman, rav, Agudath Israel of Long Island (Sholosh Seudos); the Lakewood Mashgiach, Rabbi Mattisyahu Salomon (Motzoei Shabbos); and Rabbi Avrohom Schor, rav, Khal Tiferes Yaakov (Monday).

An outstanding women’s program is also being planned and will feature, among others, Rabbi Yosef Eisen, rabbinic adviser of the Vaad HaKashrus of the Five Towns, who will discuss and demonstrate the proper way to check and clean vegetables; and Rebbetzin Rifka Eichenstein.

Additional program information will be announced as it becomes available.

Rabbi Gedaliah Weinberger, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Agudas Yisroel, recalls asking one participant in last year’s gathering to identify the aspects of the event that played into his decision to attend the upcoming Yarchei Kallah. “He told me about the comfortable and congenial atmosphere, the extraordinarily warm and memorable Shabbos, and, of course, the opportunity for one-on-one interaction with Gedolei Yisroel.

“But the biggest draw for him, he maintained, was simply being part of an assemblage with no agenda other than to draw closer to Hakodosh Boruch Hu through limud HaTorah.”

And that, says Rabbi Weinberger, pretty much sums up what the entire Yarchei Kallah program is all about.

One Response

  1. For all those who can’t attend,these amenities are available every Shabbos of the year.All are invited to come spend a Shabbos in Lakewood. Daven in the botei midrashim. Attend the Rosh Yeshiva’s Parsha Vaadim. Come hear Rav Salomon speak on the parsha. Interaction with gedolai Torah is available for those who want it.

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