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Town Of Fallsburg Places Yiddish “Do Not Litter” Signs On Roads

dnl.jpg(Click on image to ENLARGE) The town of Fallsburg, in the Catskill Mountains, is on a mission to clean up their roads, and are hanging “do not litter” signs on the roads. Except this clean-up campaign is not your ordinary one. These signs are different then the ones you usually see. It says it in Yiddish as well!

The Times Herald Record reports:

The idea is not to single out summer Orthodox visitors, according to town officials and leaders within the Jewish community, who have supported the campaign since its inception last year.

Rather, “It makes you feel at home,” said Rabbi Kalman Braun, who runs Loch Sheldrake’s Camp Aishel Avrohom. The signs could be especially effective with children, he added: “For the younger generation, who sometimes can read Yiddish before they can read English, it makes them feel more part of things.”

There are five English slogans, including “Don’t be a litterbug,” and “You litter, you pluck.” The Yiddish wording is the same on all of the signs: “Do not throw garbage on the ground.”

Fallsburg’s deputy code enforcement officer, George Sarvis, began installing the $90 signs, paid for with donations, in the fall. So far 12 signs are up.

(Source: Times Herald Record – Photo: Tom Bushey ROL)

24 Responses

  1. Uchen’vay! Such anti-semitism. Why do they assume it’s just the Yidden who throw their garabage on the roads. In fact, last summer when the kinderlach and I were dumping our Melave Malka leftovers in the lake we saw some goysihe neighbors doing the same. But I don’t see them putting up a sign in redneck-ese. No. Just Yiddish. Feh!

  2. Hmmmm I got a feeling somebody (Time Herald)
    is trying to start a fight or something. Personally
    I wouldn’t want signs in any other language other
    then English when dealing with the public. But who
    cares if it’s in yiddish, most people there speak
    yiddish so they put signs in yiddish 1+1=2.
    And then they talk about the wording, the “don’t be a litter bug”…. are all already catch phrases do you know any yiddish catch phrases about littering…..Nope I didnt think so.

  3. Yes there is some anti-semitism involved but as Gevalt613 himself admitted he dumped garbage. Just because you see someone else doing something wrong doesn’t make it right. and yes there is a problem not just in the Catskills but all over. Countless times I see people just throw their garbage on the floor and street. When Kosher food wrappers with the heimishe hechsherim are dumped all over the parks and streets, you can be sure it wasn’t a redneck who threw it there. How many times do you see people in shuls who use tissues and just leave them on the tables. Not only is it disgusting but a Chillul Hashem. Garbage belongs in garbage cans.

  4. “do you know any yiddish catch phrases about littering…..Nope I didnt think so”

    Because we dont need it. a ben torah doesnt litter. period. and we never did. it takes a goyishe kup to decide to throw garbage in the place that which you live to mess it up for you’r own mishpacha.

  5. Gevalt613 Read the article again it’s not just
    in Yiddish.
    Please read:
    “There are five English slogans, including “Don’t be a litterbug,” and “You litter, you pluck.” “

  6. Uchen’vay! Gevalt613:

    Your post is annoying and embarrassing. The uch is not that they are anti-semitic, but that they felt the need to post such signs in Yiddish. You should worry about more Chillul Hashem than antisemitism.

  7. #3
    “Yes there is some anti-semitism involved but as Gevalt613 himself admitted he dumped garbage.”

    I didn’t dump “garbage”. Had you read my post you would have seen I was taking my heiligeh kinderlech out for melaveh malka and we tossed our pizza boxes in the lake. That is no different than tashlich. And might I add, a mitzvah.

  8. #5 I guess you’re calling #1 a goishe kup.
    And # 1 what’s the difference between throwing garbage in the street or in the lake?

  9. for all those that scream anti semitisim every time a goy says or does something should take a step back and think

    try bieng in their shoes for one second

    we have a mentality of ales kimtzich inz

    everything is owed to us

    get a life and act the way a yid should act

    we need to except responsablity’s for our actions

  10. DeliberatelyEsoteric if Gevalt is kidding then the post in number 9 shows what a warped mind he has.
    Teaching heilige kinderlach the way you (gevalt613) describe explains why anti-semitism is on the rise. You don’t have to be their best friend but respect the right for yidden and goyim alike to be able to walk in the street without having to step all over your garbage.

  11. freezer, it is blatantly obvious that Gevalt is being sarcastic.

    But if you’d like, I can “ask him” right now.

    Hey, Gevalt613! Did you actually throw your pizza boxes into a lake as your children looked on and solemnly read the Tashlich prayer? Or was that a sarcastic comment intended to add humor [albeit unappreciated by most] to this column?

  12. 12 nailed it.
    Its a false sense of entitlement.
    Its like”leave it here and let the goyim pick it up.
    For me its bitul zman”
    Its a big chillul hashem.
    I hate to say it but there are parts of Yerushalem that are flooded with litter.
    That not hiemish…it’s disgusting

  13. 19, you are wrong. There is takeh an inyan of bitul zman. Its a bezayon how you all go on saying what a chilul hashem this is. The problem is that these signs were clearly anti semetic. Why were thy not written in any other language.


    Reb Elimelech

  14. D.E. no, gevalt614 was not kidding. he did not type what he meant to type. He meant to say he threw his leftover pizza crusts (M’M leftovers from post 1) from the box into the lake – feeding the fish, ducks and geese. I am the one who is kidding when I refer to him as gevalt614 b/c of his typo.

    with that said – I do not agree with his premise that it is anti-semitism. If it was only in Yiddish and there were no other “No Littering” signs in the county, then it would be.

  15. guess what? we deserve it!! let us start behaving like a mamleches kohanim and not litter bugs. by the way r shimon schwab ztl said that according to a dictionary the definition of jew is: to cheat lie etc. r shimon schwab ztl said we should be zoche to the day when we open up the dictionary and the definition of jew is: honest upright etc. rabbosai it is up to us.

  16. Yes #23,

    Had it been in Lashon Hakoidesh, only then, would it be a chillul hashem. Because the goyim obviously read the hebrew lettering and realized it was yiddish and not Lashon Hakoidesh.

  17. Local government does not spend money on signs for the fun of it. When the clean-up crews encounter lots of garbage identifiable as “heimish” litter, they use their language. Why should frum Jews be allowed to make filth? Let the goyim do it. Our people are above that,I hope.

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