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Giuliani Bows Out And Throws His Endorsement Behind McCain

rudy mccain.jpgSaying that “I only do things 100 percent,” former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani withdrew from the race for president Wednesday, a day after his third-place finish in the Florida primary.

Speaking at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, Rudy threw his support behind GOP front-runner John McCain.

“When you run for president you spend a lot of time thinking about the qualities you want in a president,” Giuliani said as McCain stood by his side. “I thought I was that person, but obviously the voters made a different choice.”

He spoke glowingly of his friendship with McCain and said he would campaign for him as much as McCain wanted – “or as little,” he added with a smile.

“Part of the consolation for me, with the bitterness of losing, is that we will remain friends,” he said of the Arizona Senator.

“It was a great honor to run for president of the United States, in spite of the result,” said Giuliani.

Giuliani says his plan for now is to return to private life and run his business. He says he has no intention of running for office again, but he’ll remain involved in the presidential race.

“I am going to be an enthusiastic and active supporter of John McCain,” said Giuliani. “I have offered him anything he and his campaign believe I can do, I will do for them.”

7 Responses

  1. It would have nice.
    His whole message was 911.
    The new 911 is the economy and the 12 billion dollar hole the war is burning in our countrys pocket.Just because the war is noble does mean that it makes sense at all cost. The fact that the deficit is so huge and the gov has to give trillions in taxes breaks to pump life into the economy means the terrorists are winning.

  2. So one liberal Republican will support another?


    We loved Rudy in NYC, but he would have been all wrong as President, in spite of his promises to put Conservationist judges on the bench of the Supreme Court.

    Also, it is not so clear what kind of weight Rudy’s endorsement will have, seeing his dismal finishes in all the races he ran in.

  3. Why is no one bothered that Guliani was pro abortion and pro toeiva.
    Aren’t these the only issues that actually have a halocheh viewpoint?

  4. If you want to have a left winger in office vote for McCain. His most recent American Conservative Union’s rating (they rate how conservative each member of congress is) is 65%, which is one point higher then Democratic Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson. Mazel tov to John McCain for his great achievement in being 1% more conservative then the democrats!

    Now if you want a right winger, vote for Romney (admittadly, Romney is a moderate, but he is right leaning, and his rhetoric now during the campaign is even more conservative, but Rudy, Huckster and McCain are liberals (RINOs)).

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