Baruch Hashem! Vishnitzer Rebbe Of Monsey Returns Home After ‘Miraculous Recovery’

Bechasdei Hashem, the Vishnitzer Rebbe of Monsey returned home on Friday afternoon following a lengthy hospital stay.

The Rebbe was placed on a respirator at one point, and had undergone several serious procedures.

The Rebbe’s doctor at Mount Sinai wrote a letter on Friday exclaiming that the Rebbe had “miraculously recovered,” and urged the Tzibbur to “assist in the speedy recovery of the Rabbi” with continued tefillos.

The Rebbe, Hagaon HaRav Mordechai Hager Shlita, is the elder of the admorim today.

The Rebbe, who is around 95-years-old, is known for his devotion to learning Torah: He learns around 18 hours a day and asks his Chasidim to study at least two hours every day.

He has thousands of Chassidim around the globe.

Please be Mispallel for Mordechai ben Margulia.

Letter from the Rebbe’s doctor
The Rebbe returning home
The Rebbe returning home

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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