Trump Lashes Out At Wrong Theresa May On Twitter

President Donald Trump is lashing out at British Prime Minister Theresa May in a dispute over his tweets. Problem is, he initially picked on the wrong Theresa May.

Trump was responding to May’s criticism of his decision to tweet anti-Muslim videos.

Online archives of Trump’s tweets show the president tweeted Wednesday night to a Twitter user with the handle @theresamay. That user is identified as a woman with a different last name who has only six followers.

That tweet was soon deleted and Trump sent a new message to May’s correct Twitter handle, @theresa—may. He told May not to focus on him and instead worry about “destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom.”


8 Responses

  1. No, he’s not a tipish. He’s not busy looking himself in the mirror and worrying about his every utterance to come across more diplomatic and correct. Instead he’s speaking like a regular person and making his points that he believes in, without being concerned about fumbling. Because fumbling is a normal thing that humans do. Unless their trying to perform an act of some sort. It’s like he said to May not to focus on him and instead worry about “destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. Everybody is busy focusing on political correctness besides Trump. Trump is busy focusing on crushing terrorism, and he’s calling it out for what it is without fear of being criticized for not giving a polished presentation. Finally a normal human being in office, with human flaws, and not a polished phony.

  2. So rt, you want to lie against a goy?
    Don’t do it, it is a hillul Hashem for a Jew to be lying.
    Trump could take you to a civil court, even a Din Torah, yes even a Jewish court of law and win.Make you very poor.
    So yes, it is not lashon hara to speak badly about non Jews, but why would a Jew want to appear like a fool by doing so?
    Doesn’t make sense, it is still defamatory, stealing.

  3. To rt,I recall seeing a Medrash that one should not speak lashon hara on a non-jew,for it might lead one to speak lashon hara on a Jew.

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