CNN & NBC are is projecting Senator Hillary Clinton as the winner in today’s Democratic Florida primary elections. As of this time (9:20PM EST), Hillary Clinton has 51%, and Barak Obama has 32%. Republican John McCain is being projected as the winner by the Associated Press with 36%, Mitt Romney getting 32%, Rudy Giuliani getting 15%, and Mike Huckabee showing 14%.
The polls closed at 8:00PM EST – and record turnout is being reported.
22 Responses
oh no!!!! Why did that rasha hillary yimach shima win??? why did ne1 even think of voting 4 her????? and poor rudy!!!! he should of won the republican but now at least mccain better win over romney because he is honest good man too!!!!
if not for rudy then mccain should win!!! but certainly not that wicked hillary or backbreaker obama!!! the republicans better win the president election rather that those dirty democrats (antisemitic obama 2)
rudy rules!!! hillary drules!!!
just daven daven and daven. Just because good people win it doesn’t mean they will be good for us- The hearts of all rulers are in the hands of hashem
Perhaps Hillary is not that bad. After all she did help out many Jews over the years. Her husband, although not a very G-d fearing man, did try to reconcile the situation in the holy land although he was not successful. My grand father used to say that Bill Clinton is a liar. he never said that though about Mrs. Clinton. She is the senator of New York where there are many Jews so she will probably help them out when she is President. She will win the Presidency. Mark my word. You heard it first on
Mccain is no big catch either. He is one of the most liberal republicans in the nation. he’s liberal on freedom of speech, he’s liberal on the global warming hoax, he’s liberal on illegal emigration, and he’s liberal on terrorist interrogation, and the list goes on and on. his whole monopoly comes from the liberal media who trumpeted him up in order to downplay real conservatives.
in the current race Mitt Romney is definately a better choice, in these uncertain economical times we absolutely need a president that understsands economy, a president that grew in the private sector to become really successful, Mitt Romney would set the economy back in place.
John mccain said by the last debate in florida that economics is not his specialty, so how can any body be so stupid and vote for a liberal, who knows nothing about the economy in such uncertain times???
To Filly Silly Frum:
How can you say that Hillary is not that bad. Do you not remember the notorious kiss she placed on the cheek of Mrs. Arafat?? Have you forgotten her infamous snub of Benjamin Netanyahu when he visited the White House in 1997?
Im sure your grandfather would call Mrs. Clinton alot worse than just a liar.
My grandmother, who is vacationing in Miami Beach, often says in her ancient Ludz tongue, “Misyumneh ze iz nisht chabudskah” or something like that. I don’t know the exact words but my mother told me that it means something like, “anything but Hillary”.
Gishmak in Fakewood and Filly Krum,
Are your grandparents running for President or something?? This election has nothing to do with who your greatgrand pappy said is a liar or not.We must only turn to Daas Torah. In fact, my Rabbi told me to vote for Obama because he thinks he is Jewish. Hey, you never know. maybe he’s from the 10 lost tribes or something.
Bacci40: That would be McCain-Feingold, campaign finance reform.
to #7:
global warming might be happening, bu it has absolutely nothing to do with actions of humans, hashem created the world, and nature changed it self as time went by, seas became mountains and vise-versa, etc. and it didn’t have anything to do with our actions. if we can’t create the world we can’t destroy it!!
You mentioned torture, who is talking about torture, the discussion was about the interrogation method of water boarding, which causes no pain what so ever, it’s just a clever way of making a terrorist killer think that he’s drowning, and all experts are saying, that its 100% effective’ and it already saved 1000’s 0f life’s.
to #9:
The mccain-finegold bill is a perfect example of liberalism on freedom of speech. the mccain finegold bill is restrictions on advertisement during political campaigns, which is a violation on freedom of speech, and i ghope that your questions about so-called torture are answered as well.
simply put-i don’t think hillary will win the presidency. who would want a women to lead this country- a president not only has to know how to lead a country, a president has to be willing to FIGHT for the country! and if im not mistaken hillary did not serve in the military. how does she know strategic moves- shes a women with a huge fat mouth and conrtradicts herself countless of times! if she wins we should run because she doesn’t know how to run a country!
Global warming may be the biggest hoax in our lifetime. That the world goes through warming cycles is nothing new. The only people the G/W crowd are trying to stifle are the very people that are producing vital goods and services in the capitalist societies. Once the commies take over which is what your crowd wants, a dictator (perhaps on the level of Hitler) will order all the facories (that cause global warming) back in business to start a war of some sort. If the critics were really bold they would go to China and Russia and protest their pollution. But, of course they aren’t.
Mike for prez.
Arnold for second of state.
Only a level headed businessman like mike can straighten this country out.
Only an actor who’s played tough guys can scare our enemys. People can’t tell the diff between reality and tv anymore. It would work
it must be a full moon as they are all out there in force & big numbers & hope everybody enjoyes thier stupidity & its a pleasure reading when i get a little tense at work & need some good laugh
no im pretty sure im refering to this time period. look around the world and count how many countries are ruled by a women?! maybe you’ll need two hands to count.
america is not just any country its a major country in the world and if you think a women who contradicts herself all the time can lead this country, start wakeing up!!
#13 chesed –
if we can’t create the world we can’t destroy it!!
This is faulty logic – firstly, I’m not going to argue whether global warming is real or not, any more than I can fight with you about the existence of gravity if you want to ignore it. But the statement above really doesn’t make any sense. No one is claiming that we will “destroy” the planet, we’re just going to make it inhospitable to people. We’ve already started. If we can ruin our children’s lives and our friend’s lives with bad midos and parenting (even though Hashem created everyone), why can’t we tarnish and damage the Earth with our own bad behavior?
The mccain-finegold bill is a perfect example of liberalism on freedom of speech.
Do you understand what the bill does? Are you saying you’re in FAVOR of large corporations being able to place ads to sponsor a candidate of their choice?
#14 lgbg –
who would want a women to lead this country
Just when I think the comments couldn’t get any worse…
honestly would you vote for Hillary?
you wrote “No one is claiming that we will “destroy” the planet”, al gore claims that the world will be a ball of fire. and the comparison that you made between a person with bad midos and global warming can’t be more off track, because a person can have an effect for better or for worse on himself or another human being, with good or bad behavior, but human cannot have a effect on the universe by any means for better or for worse with his actions.
any corporation big or small should have the right to express their views, and support which ever candidate they want. this is what “freedom of speech” is all about. and mccain-finegold is all about “dictatorship”, dictating corporations what and when they can and can’t say.
chesed –
I am not necessarily voting for Hillary. But my reason for choosing a president certainly does not take into account their gender. I found your comment “who would want a women [sic] to lead this country” extremely offensive. Since you are so focused on the fact that she is a woman, here are a list of female heads of countries for you, past and present:
Notably on the list: Golda Meir & Margaret Thatcher.
“but human cannot have a effect on the universe by any means for better or for worse with his actions”
Take an axe. Knock down a tree. Did you just have an effect on the universe with that tree? Is the tree still absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen, or did you stop that from happening with your actions. Now knock down a million trees. Did THAT have an effect on the planet?
“any corporation big or small should have the right to express their views”
Thankfully, most of Congress disagreed with you. If you had it your way, we would be bombarded with ads from only the largest and richest corporations, who have vested interests in certain politicians. When you get elected to senate, you can push to have this bill overturned.
#7 Excuse you!!! none are anti semite????? than what are they if that wicked witch kissed arafats cheek???? and she has a strong connection to the jewish community yeah right!! what an oxymoron!!!
vote mccain!!!!!! hes the best especially 4 the jews!!!
The question marks, too
#25 th –
Kissing someone on the cheek is not an endorsement, it’s a greeting. I’ve had to shake many hands of people I dislike (even hate) because of politics. Let it go and try not to be so angry.
Instead, read about Hillary’s voting record regarding Israel – I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.
Also, you might want to look up the word “oxymoron” as you apparently don’t know what it means.
#27-Why’d she kiss her why didnt she just shake her hand that would have also been okay,and by the way vote mccain!!!