PHOTOS: Mayor DeBlasio At A Chasuna In Boro Park

New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio made an appearance at a Chasidic wedding in Boro Park on Sunday night.

The Chosson is a grandson of Bobov askan Rabbi Yitzchok Fleischer, who has a relationship with the Mayor going back to his days as a NYC Councilman and Public Advocate.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. To Ben and Yapchik:

    Maybe just forego the childish and humorless comments…if an adom chashuv chooses to show his respect for the Bobobover Rebbe, who in turn values his relationship with the mayor, I’m not sure the Rav really cares what you think about the mayor’s politics

  2. Yitzchok Fleischer is a great guy and the Roov shlita, כבודו במקומו עומד. But what juxtaposition the mayor’s coming to Reb Yitzchok’s chassuna has with kavod to the Roov is wholly inexplicable.
    Mr. Gadolhatorah, refer back to your ridiculous posts: those who live in glass palaces should not throw stones!

  3. Yaaapchaak
    I did refer back to my postings and nothing I said contradicts my point that a political leader who shows his respect for the rebbe by attending a simcha warrants sarcasm or ridicule…enough time to do both when warranted. This was neither the time/place.

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