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Levaya Of R’ Uri Auerbach Z”L

candle9.gifRav Uri Auerbach Z”L was niftar on Monday evening in Netania , Eretz Yisroel. He formally lived in Monsey for many years where he raised a wonderful family. He settled in Netania several years ago with his wife (nee Spitzer) who was nifter about two years ago. He then remarried Mrs Barabara Barg from Lakewood a year ago.  Rav Auerbach was known to be a tremendous Mechanech and well known in the chinuch field. He was a outstanding “Mechadesh” in Tenach and would send his weekly Chidushim to his family and many friends. In fact he was in the midst of typing this week’s Chidushim when he suddenly collapsed and was niftar b’nishika.

He was the son of the Yerushalayimer Rebbe who resided in Crown Heights. His children are: R’ Yosef (Flatbush), R’ Yechezkel (Monsey),Mrs. Faiga Hartman(Queens) and Mrs. Blumi Danziger(deceased). May the niftar be a malitz yosher for his children , grandchildren ,great-grandchilren , brothers ,sisters and his wife.

The Levaya has been scheduled for 7:00 PM, in front of the “Baalei Batim” Shul (beginning of R’chov Rav Akiva), followed by the K’vura in the Netanya Bais Olem. A bus will be going from the Shul to the cemetery.

20 Responses

  1. Baruch Dayan Ha’emes. A tremendous loss, someone whose greatest pleasure in life was to share “A Gut Vort” with another Yid.

  2. davido,

    I am a nephew of the niftar and I could tell you he lived in Netanya for the past 12 years. So far, those who I’ve asked dont know about this detail. Do you have a time frame as to when this was?

  3. Z aidy we will miss your
    A lways inspiring
    I nsights and your beutiful
    D ivrei torah that we got every week and
    Y our warm smile.

    we were lucky to have you as our zaidy.
    baruch dayan emes.

  4. My father had a store off Kings Hiway for about 5 years until he retired & moved to Netanya 15 years ago. He was still teaching mornings at Yeshiva of Flatbush at that time, and spent the afternoons at the store, where he sold Tfillin & Mezuzos and worked on correcting Sifrei Torah. He also wrote all the Tfillin for each of the grandchildren as they became Bar Mitzva.

  5. The Niftar settled in Kiryat Sanz, Netanya about 15 years ago (perhaps a little more). Prior to that he was a Rebbe and a Sofer in Brooklyn for many years. In fact, he was a co-Mechaber (with Rabbi Aryeh Schechter) of the Sefer Pischei She’arim on Hilchos Mezuzah. In addition, Rav Auerbach was the author of countless Sefarim of his thoughts and Chidushim, many under the title Ori Ve’yishi. There is a 5-volume set on Chamisha Chumshei Torah, as well as sifrei Ori Ve’yishi on Megilas Rus, Pirkei Avos, Maseches Berachos, the Hagadah and others. Rav Auerbach also published the Divrei Torah of his father, Rav Avraham Binyamin Beinush Auerbach, Zt”l (Toras A”BB), as well as several english-language teaching aids.
    Above all, there was nothing that Rav Auerbach would not do for anybody- no matter what, who, when or where.

  6. just to set the record straight, the niftar owned a safrus store in flatbush on east 8th st. off of kings highway up until the year that he moved to netanya in the summer of 1992. he has been living in netanya for the past 16 years. there are no words with which to describe the gentleness, kindness and simple goodnesss that characterized R’ Uri. There is noone that came in contact with him that does not remember him with extreme fondness. I don’t think it is possible to tally up the number of shabbos guests from the yeshivos and seminaries of Eretz Yisroel that spend wonderful shabbosos in their home in Netanya. the warm memories that they brought home with them were enhanced by the delicious food, tremendous divrei torah, and unbelievable attitude and relationship that R’ Uri, together with his wife, displayed. he was truly a great man.

  7. Not long after the beloved Bronx sofer, R’ Shmuel Rubinstein ztl passed away at a young age, I happened to be in R’Auerbach’s store, and the subject came up. He was pleasantly surprised to know that I had also known R’Rubinstein, and remarked ruefully, “I suppose the Ribono Shel Olom also needs sofrim up there…” I think we can recycle this thought as we bid farewell to a tayerer Yid.

  8. The entire Shiva will be at the Niftar’s home in Kiryat Sanz, Natanya at 23 Rechov Rabbi Akiva. The # is 011 972 98 621 307.

  9. I would like to express my condolences to Yossi, Yitzchok and Faigy and to my uncles and tantes upon the sudden loss of their father, and brother. My great uncle – Uncle Uri will surely be missed by all. I have enjoyed reading our family history that was written in the back of the sefer “Toras ABBA” which Our dear Uncle Uri had printed. He gave us some insight about our great grandfather R Avraham Binyamin Beinish. May Hashem comfort you, and all of Klal Yisroel.

  10. To the entire mishpacha, and Aunt Faigy in particular,
    I just read about this tonight motzai shabbos, and had to read it twice to believe what I was reading.
    I mamash am speechless and feel so bad at this news.
    He was indeed a very sweet man and will be sorely missed by all.

    Hamakon Yenachaim Eschem B’toch Shaar Availei Tzion V’Yerushalayim vlo soseefu l’daava ode.

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