White House: Obama In ‘Full Agreement’ With Netanyahu On Iran

President Obama is in “full agreement” with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the need to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, the White House said after the two leaders talked over the phone Friday.

“The two leaders discussed a range of security issues, and the President reaffirmed his and our country’s unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security,” the White House said in a statement describing the call. “The two leaders underscored that they are in full agreement on the shared goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.”

Separately, Netanyahu met with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton following his address to the United Nations on Thursday.

The two leaders’ relationship has come under a microscope as Netanyahu increases pressure on the president to issue “red lines” that Iran will not be allowed to cross in enriching uranium that could be used to create a nuclear weapon. Adding to the tension, Obama declined to change his schedule to meet with the Israeli leader while he was at the United Nations in New York this week.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who has accused Obama of being a weak supporter of Israel, also was scheduled to speak with Netanyahu on Friday.


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