A New Low: NFL Player Sits During U.S. Anthem, Stands For Mexican Anthem; Trump Says NFL Should Fire Him

President Donald Trump says the NFL should suspend Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch.

Lynch sat during most of the U.S. anthem and stood for the Mexican anthem before Sunday’s game against the Patriots at Azteca Stadium in Mexico City.

Lynch hasn’t stood for the national anthem since returning from retirement this season.

Trump tweeted early Monday: “Great disrespect! Next time NFL should suspend him for remainder of season. Attendance and ratings way down.”

Former 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started the movement last season when he refused to stand during the anthem to protest racial inequality and police brutality.


19 Responses

  1. Its not a new low. Three Miami Dolphins players stood for the British national anthem and sat for the American one but the racist Trump said nothing. He only protests when Mexico is involved.

    If there is a new low it is that our president thinks he is king of America. He demands tribute and thanks from UCLA players and thinks that he can dictate to private companies whon they should fire. And all the hypocritical small government conservatives remain silent when the king brings the weight of his office down on free enterprise and freedom of expresion.

  2. I always thought Presidents were busy with serious domestic and world issues. It seems that no issue is too small for Trump to tweet about as long as it doesn’t interfere with his weekend golfing.

  3. The point is that it’s unfortunate that it’s the president that has to say it, since everyone else is to afraid to say it. It’s also unfortunate that he has to teach these ingrate UCLA players a lesson in hakoras hatov and mentchlichkeit. He doesn’t need their thanks he was teaching them a lesson.

  4. Seichal: The point is that the president is a sick immoral psychopath who craves attention. He likes to fan the flames of hatred and pick on people weaker than he is. Teach UCLA players hakoras hatov? Really? Maybe he should have some hakoras hatov to people like Myeshia Johnson and Khizir and Ghazala Khan. He is the embodiment of midos royos and is a disgusting individual. He is a typical bully who likes to make people believe that he is not afraid to say things but acts like an obedient puppy around strongmen like Putin, Xi and Duterte. Pathetic.

  5. And once again,crazykanoiy, as the President is a goy,he is obviously no role model for us Jews,as any other goyish politician has also never been a role model.
    But putting that aside,instead of calling the President a bunch of garbled terms,you can simply state the the President is a person that unfortunately has narcissism to a great degree.
    And,crazykanoiy,this is something us voters know quite well,but still we voted for him.
    Does having that make him sick and immoral???Does that mean he is a danger to the country?
    I really think you are going way overboard.
    This is something for those that are into mental problems to decide.
    Are you indeed the expert on mental problems to be the arbiter on the President’s status???
    Here we have an unusual case where the President on his own voluntarily takes time off his busy schedule to ask for a personal favor to let three Americans citizens who clearly shoplifted,to come home free of all charges.
    Do you have any understanding what a gift the President gave these three players???
    Do you ever read the signs in any store in the USA that says black on white,what happens if anyone shoplifts???
    And here these three players representing the face of the USA gets busted in a most embarrassing way in China,and the President goes out of his way unilaterraly to bail them out that they will not receive even one day of punishment??!
    Name me one other President that has ever done this!!
    And these ingrates do not have the courtesy to thank the President,until the President asks for it ??
    And the father of one has the nerve to deny what the President has done to save his boy and the others from spending long years in some solitary and forsaken Chinese jail??
    Sorry,crazykanoiy,but you have gone way overboard here in your great unhealthy hatred of the President to miss the obvious here to paint the President as some terrible villain,and it is very sad in my eyes to see you distort reality here,and for what reason.
    Yes,crazy kanoiy,we all know that the President has narcissism,but this time he did an incredible great deed that no one told him to do all on his own,and he deserves all the credit for doing so.
    And you blasting the President on this issue is really not fair at all.

  6. A Concerned Jew: So you agree that he should have left them all in Jail because the father of one of them did not thank him? That is a pretty sick sentiment but I wouldn’t put it past you because you say that even though you are well aware of his narcissistic tendencies “we” voted for him which I imagine refers to yourself. FOX NEWS host Neil Cavuto said it best “Forget about either comment not being presidential. At what point does the president see such remarks don’t even border on being human?”

  7. A Concerned Jew; Please spare us your racist comments that all goyim can never be role models. Stop trying to cover up Trump’s sickening behavior with some sort of warped ideology that all politicians act like the lowlife behama that he is.

  8. O.K.,first things first!
    Of course,I do not agree that the President should have left them in jail!ĝ
    And this is the narcissistic side of the President talking.
    And narcissistic talk this way to get attention,
    and boy did he get your attention,and the whole media to boot!
    Do you understand what being a narcissistic is,crazykanoiy??
    Look it up,as it is a very unbelievable wacky mental problem,
    which illustrates our President to the core!
    Now,when I said we,it was not referring to you!
    There was a poll taken right before the elections
    claiming between 60 and 70 percent of voters for President Trump
    was voting for him ,even though they disliked his personality.
    Well,that is the we that I am referring to.
    I will be honest with you,that I actually wanted Rubio
    to be the candidate,and I was horrified how Trump
    just verbally destroyed my candidate.
    I was waiting for sanity to be restored
    in my Republican party,but lo and behold,the
    vast majority wanted the guy with a comment on anything.
    Now come election day,I reluctantly
    voted for this narcissistic candidate.
    Because I want the conservative lifestyle to hold sway in the USA.
    I was sick to my stomach how President Obama wanted to make this a more loose
    morals country.
    Sick of transgender bathrooms being the most important topic in the USA.
    And that gay marriage was recognized under the Obama administration by the
    Supreme court made this nation into a sad nation further rejecting morals.
    I told people even if Mickey Mouse,Goofy or even Pee Wee Herman was
    running for the Republicans to be President,I would vote for them over Clinton
    and her liberal loose morals identity,as who would want Clinton to have the
    chance of picking more liberal judges to further ruin the morals of the USA.
    I also wanted a candidate that wants the USA to be strong,and that will stand
    up against the enemies like Iran and North Korea,and not be an Obama that would
    just sheepishly smile to the whole world,and apologize for being such a bad country.
    Obama turned the USA into a doormat,whereas Trump has put the USA back onto the
    map as the superpower it should be.
    And sure enough,the majority of the states fell sway to Trump’s
    slogan of making America great again,and made him the President!
    And I am still amazed to this day that he pulled it off.
    But indeed,Trump became President despite all of his negative traits.
    Now to the 2nd letter.
    I take it,crazykanoiy,that you belong to the yeshiva community,since you seem to comment a lot on Yeshiva news.
    So please,crazykanoiy,can you show me anywhere in our holy Torah,
    that goyim should be our role models.
    And if you cannot,then why is my statement racist???
    Look,crazykanoiy,I would not write this sort of comment on any regular news blog!!
    I only write it here for we are Torah Jews.
    And so I will repeat,what is the big surprise here about Trump??
    Was Bill Clinton really any better??
    Would you also call Bill a lowlife behama over his sickening behavior with Monica?
    And if you will not,will you explain why one is better than the other?
    This sickening behavior of Trump is called narcissism,and I know
    a number of people that have it,but guess what?
    They think they are perfectly normal
    and entitled to talk this way,and verbally destroy people.
    But what can you do?
    You cannot lock them up,or send them to the funny farm,
    as long as they did not cross the red line.
    But Baruch Hashem,we as Torah people have our Rabbis to look up to,and those
    that dedicate themselves to learn,and those that do good deeds.
    And even among the people outside us,do they really look up
    to the politicians as a source of pride???
    I always thought the last honest politician was Honest Abe,
    and I will always add,and looked what happened to him!
    Congress,Senate,and the President always have such a low
    level of approval among the people.
    I would maintain that the secular people look more up to the actors.and actresses
    sports stars,and music singers than to politicians.
    But we Baruch Hashem have the holy Torah to guide us through this crazy Galut.
    So in conclusion,crazykanoiy,this President is a narcissistic big time,
    who will never think he is wrong about anything,and will keep on looking for praises
    and love from anyone.
    Now does that mean he is a low life behema???
    I do not know,as I do not major in mental diseases.
    I do know that they are around,like it or not.
    And if you want things to change for the better,
    you better hope that the Democrat party wakes up and stop
    acting like you by crying out how terrible Trump is.
    Instead focus on the future,and get a normal good
    candidate for president,or else Trump will
    win again come three years time.
    And I will heed the beautiful and wise words
    of the Pirkei Avot,to pray for the welfare
    of the government for if not for their stability,
    people would swallow each other alive.
    And indeed,may Hashem give Trump the wisdom not to ruin our
    great country,and may there be stability in the USA.

  9. A Concerned Jew: What drives you makes you want to defend this lowlife? 13 ladies have accused Trump of abuse. He in the ONLY president to have publicly boasted in his book about his sick immoral actions. He is the ONLY president to have boasted on Howard Stern Radio about his immoral actions. He is the ONLY president caught on tape boasting about his abuse of women. Sorry MR. ACJ no other President has ever stooped to his level.

    Your logic is so convoluted is hard to comprehend. You voted for Trump because you wanted a more “moral” country? Trump ran a campaign where he mocked a disabled reporter, a war hero, and the looks of his opponent’s wife. He ran a campaign where he labeled his opponents with terms such as lyin, liddle, crooked and low energy. He boasted about his private parts in a debate and saw fit to invite Bill Clinton’s accusers to his debates to torment Hillary. He stoked hatred of immigrants and others. These are morals? Is it morally upstanding to call participants in a Neo Nazi march ‘fine people”. Make a cheshbon hanefesh why transgender bathrooms bother you so much (even though in reality nobody will ever check someone’s birth certificates before entering a bathroom) and yet you seemingly excuse away every other nivalah.

    Has Trump made America a superpower? How exactly? By giving in to Russian demands to let Iran place troops just a few miles from the Israeli border? By giving Saudi Arabia carte blanche to bomb civilians in Yemen? By threatening to label China a currency manipulator and then going to China and praising Xi and the Chicoms? By dressing up in costume and toasting the Philippine despot who compared himself to Hitler? By refusing to allow Netanyahu to accompany him to the Kosel? Besides mouthing off with bombastic rhetoric against North Korea Trump has done nothing. And sending a few bombs to an airfield in Syria with advance notice to the Syrian/Russian forces to remove all planes is a joke and not a serious response to chemical weapons usage. Trump talks the talk but does nothing but apparently that works to convince some people like yourself.

    As for your derogatory attitude towards goyim. Please do not claim that the basis of your approach is rooted in Torah. Have you ever learned the Gemara of Dama ben Nesina? Have you ever read Rav Hirsch’s speech on the Schiller Centenary? Are Raul Wallenberg and Chiune Sugihara not role models for you? Just because you voted for a lowlife does not mean every other nonJew is as low and filthy as the current occupant of the oval office.

  10. Crazykanoiy
    If anything,you really hate President Trump,and I hope you hate Amalek more than you hate the President.Absolutely wow!!!
    I have no choice to respond,as you have not gotten everything I wrote clear enough,and I want to thank Yeshiva news for allowing this fascinating debate to go on!
    Where do you get that I am defending the President??If anything,i am defining him!
    Yes,I am well aware of all the ladies that spoke up against him,and I know about the tape
    I mean what do you expect from a man that was famous in having beauty contests-a saint???
    But to go and claim that no President ever stooped so low-what???
    Have you ever heard of a President called JFK,crazykanoiy??
    Well,I had the misfortune as a kid to read a big fat book of all the naughty and
    wrong things that JFK did,that put JFK right up Trump’s alley.
    And then there was this President called Nixon,that had to resign,because he
    was about to be caught as a cheater and a liar.
    And then there was a President Bill Clinton,that ladies also said that
    he had affairs with them,and then he goes and lies about Monica.
    And during his long state of denial,all the media could talk about was
    Monica,Monica,and Monica.Nope,Clinton does not sound too good
    to me,and if anything ,Clinton looks like Trump’s partner.
    And as forall the other Presidents,who knows who they really were
    when the doors are closed,and no one is watching.
    It is up to you to explain to the public why Trump is any worse
    than JFK,Nixon or Clinton.And what do you want done about it???
    If the President has not been found guilty of any crime,what is the point
    of pointing out how immoral he is.Does not say in the Constitution,
    that only a saint that never sins can run for President!I am very puzzled
    by this expectation that he must act like a gentleman.Where does it
    state that he has to be a gentleman.Now do not get me wrong.I dislike his style
    of speech,and put downs and what else,but like it or not,the Constitution
    cannot stop this guy from acting this way at all.
    Now,you got my approach to morals totally wrong.
    Yes,I want the USA to be a more moral country,but I never said
    that Trump would be the moral arbiter!!!!
    I already pointed out how disgusted I was by Trump’s behavior,
    and I already know every single negative point you bought out about Trump,
    as I follow the news like you do.
    My point is that by the Republican candidate winning ,
    even if the candidate was Woody Woodpecker,that would keep the justices
    to the Supreme court in the Republicans hand,and in that fashion
    the court would stay to the right,and not go down the liberal slide
    to Sodom.I hope I made my point clear enough.
    And I am sort of aghast that this transgender issue and gay marriage does not bother
    you,but each to their own.
    Now we come to having a stronger USA.
    You have your expectations,and I have mine.
    I know that even if Trump did something positive,it will always be a negative in your
    eyes ,as you refuse to be objective when it comes to Trump,so it is hard to debate
    you on this one.I can only reiterate what I wrote last time,
    that in contrast to the previous President Obama,he is not making any apologies,
    and being very firm and tough with Iran and North Korea.
    He is willing to shut the PA embassy in the capital.
    If there are terrorist attacks,he will declare it terrorist attack,
    and not do the mumble jumble game that Obama would love to do.
    Trump was able to talk with Putin to deal with the mess in Syria,unlike
    Obama that did not have the ability to deal with Putin.
    Since Trump did not like the climate deal,he walked out of it,instead of being the
    smiley face Obama that would agree to what everyone else dictated to us.
    Trump picked an excellent ambassador to the UN in Haley,who has spoken
    in Israel’s favor in a way hardly ever seen before.
    I can go on and on,but what is the point,since you will find things that you do
    not like,instead of addressing the issues that I am bringing up.
    So to the last point we go which happens to be the most fascinating point of all.
    Sure,I know the beautiful Gemara of Dama ben Nesina.
    No,I have never read Rav Hirsh’s speech on the S

  11. Crazy Kanoiy,Somehow that got sent before I was done.
    So nope,I never read Reb Hirsh’s on the Schiller centenary.
    Yes indeed Raul Wallenberg and Chiune Sugihara went out of
    their way to save us Jews,and their kind deeds will be talked
    about forever,as well as Dama ben Nesina.
    But guess who else is in the lists of the greats from the NonJews-Esau from the Torah!
    His respect for his father,Yitzchok ,was so exemplary and incredible
    that the Gemara mentions how the Amoraim themselves could not replicate Esau’s
    respect to his father.But should that make Esau our role model??!!
    We all know what Esau did on the sly,right!!!
    Perhaps,we have an argument in what a role model is.
    I think that a role model is seeing someone that gives up this
    whole world for the next,and does not seem to be bothered by missing out on
    all of the fun that goes on in this world.I think of a Reb Eliyashiv of blessed memory
    that just wanted to learn at all times,and not be bothered by the mundane.
    You seen to be making a role model out of anybody that did something out of the regular norms.
    So the hero that saved people from being attacked,or the one that returns an expensive item
    instead of keeping it,are all role models in your approach.I would say that we have something
    to learn from these wonderful individuals,but I do not know if I would crown them as a role
    model.And do we not have great people in our communities to look up to,so we do not
    have to look up to the Non-Jews??
    I have nothing against Non-Jews.I have had wonderful Non-Jewish teachers.I happen to work with them
    in my job,but I am careful to keep my distance,and understand the differences between
    them and us,which I think is essential for any Jew to do.
    And in conclusion(finally!!!)I deeply sympathize with you,as you seem to be in pain in not having a normal President that acts like a gentleman,smiles,and keep the peace.And I know too many people like you
    that seem to be in great pain that such a deranged individual is heading our great country.But at the end of
    the day,this was Hashem’s pick for our country,and just to repeat over and over how terrible and horrible Trump is is not going to make him disappear.You want a President that makes you feel proud,and not a President Tweet that tweets like a teenager.But what can one do,but move on,and make sure your party picks someone better than Hilary Clinton,as it seems as if Trump has captured my party,and is not planning to disappear anytime soon.

  12. The difference between Trump and some other presidents that have acted immorally is that Trump is the ONLY president to boast about his immorality. He is the ONLY president to act without any regard for basic human decency. He is the ONLY president that actively seeks to sow division and hatred. He is the ONLY president to show a blatant disregard for reality and lies with impunity in the face of obvious facts (largest inauguration, largest electoral college victory etc, etc..) He is the only president in recent history to fan the flames of racism (calling people at a Neo-Nazi march fine people and saying I don’t know David Duke.) He is the only president arrogant enough to never apologize. He is the worst of all presidents combined in one and his obsession with his ego is revolting.

    IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to point out how horribly immoral he is so that we do not normalize such behavior. Frum print media has turned this man into a hero and that has effects on the morals of our community and our children. If we normalize such behavior and stay silent we are guilty of allowing his boorish behavior to be lauded and accepted. Morals are not just about opposing gay marriage but about a way of life and if Trump (who just today boasted to soldiers about himself instead of just thanking them) does not revolt you than I do not know which moral universe you inhabit. Arrogance and disregard for others are vices that will often have a bigger impact on us than transgender females using a male bathroom. Jeff Flake, John McCain and Evan McMullin have taken a strong and courageous stand for a reason. I suggest you pick up a copy of Flake’s “A Conscience of a Conservative” it makes for a great read.

    I did not vote for Obama nor do I support much of his agenda but your approach to him is rather unfair and biased. There were many things that he did that were beneficial to Israel (even though some were not) and he did not turn America into a doormat. He did a great job turning the tide on ISIS, lead the successful international response to the Ebola outbreak and negotiated trade deals that benefitted American industry. He took over with an economy in recession and left it healthy and strong. Trump has talked the talk but in reality, has done nothing. Is refusing to bring up human rights abuses with Duterte a sign of American strength? Is refusing to enforce bipartisan sanctions against Russia a sign of American strength. The fact that Duterte and Putin prefer Trump over Obama actually shows you who was tougher on these despots and who gives them a free pass.

    Wallenberg and Sugihara gave up their lives and/or careers to save Jews. Even by your very narrow definition of role model as someone who “someone that gives up this whole world for the next” they should make the cut. In any case the point was to stop excusing away Trump because “goyim” are just like that. They are not. The Hirsch piece on the Schiller Centenary is in the last volume of his Collected Writings. Take a look at it I trust that you find it informing and please let your children and students know that Trump’s actions, twitter posts, and words are repulsive and unacceptable. Teach them the world is filled with good people some of them Jewish and some of teh gentile. Teach them that sometimes even good people make mistakes and give in to their worst fears and vote for hatemongering demagogues. Tell them that while Trump is president we might support some of his positions but we must never sanction his boorish behavior.

  13. One last thing please don’t say that Trump was Hashem’s pick for the country. He was chosen by baalei bechira. Don’t blame it on the Ribonno Shel Oilam.

  14. Once again,I hear what you are saying.
    I would like to think nearly anybody knows how the President beats to a different drum,and not a
    normal one at all.Indeed,he has all the midot of a person you would never want to meet.But once
    again what was,was.We are all aware of the loony-tune character we got,and we will have to somehow learn to live with this reality.
    I am hoping that the more normal people surrounding Trump will make sure that he does not do anything
    damaging.And it does help that he will ask for advice,and that he is keen to work with
    the Democrats too.
    I did not mean to push President Obama off the cliff.He did do some good things,but I just got turned off by his approach to be too soft with the Arab countries,and that is what I meant by turning the USA into a doormat.Let us call the shots.
    Finally,of course we voted,and got who we voted for.I bring in Hashem,in how Hashem made this Trump that came virtually from nowhere to become the President.Rulers are in the hands of Hashem,please do not argue with that!!

  15. ACJ – Rulers are in the hands of Hashem, please do not argue with that!! – I won’t and I agree that it is very important to keep that in mind. I appreciate your points and the give and take of this discussion.

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