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Rav Chaim Portnoy ZATZAL

candle71.gifRav Chaim Portnoy ZATZAL, from Brisk, Mir and Shanghai, one of the last of the outstanding Talmidei Chachamim from the She’eris Haplayta, was Niftar on Shabbos. His Levaya will be Sunday morning 9:30AM at Schwarz Bros. Chapels on Queens Blvd. in Forest Hills. Rebbitzen Zlata Portnoy and her children will be sitting Shiva at 122-05 Metropolitan Avenue, Kew Gardens, NY.

7 Responses

  1. he was of the last alter mirrers left. he was a talmud muvhak of rav chatzkal tz”l and had smicha from him. he was an eidim of rav avraham trop (stoliner rosh yeshiva and son of the granat). he was the brother in law of yibadel lchaim rav henoch leibowitz, rosh yeshiva of chofetz chaim. the maspidim were rav kalman epstein of yeshiva shaar hatorah in kew gardens were the niftar was a fixture for decades, rav dovid willig rav yeshiva tiferes moshe, eidim rav shlomo yonason harris r”m yeshiva chofetz chaim, grandson menachem stulberger, and sons reb yizchak and rabbi naftoli. he was a link in the mesorah of a bygone era. yiha zichro baruch

  2. i knew the niftar,t’hay nishmoso tzror b’zror hachaim, as a rov in the brownsville section of brooklyn.well respected and learned.

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