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10:00PM EST: Flatbush: Home Invasion

nypd3.gifFlatbush Shomrim are assisting the NYPD of 61 PCT in a search for a person wanted for breaking into a home – and holding a family at gunpoint as the home was ransacked. The incident occurred less than 20 minutes ago, on East 28th Street between Avenue’s R-S.

The NYPD has called for a Level 1 response, and are searching for a grey Nissan Pathfinder, with NY license plates. The first three letters of the plate is DRX. It is unknown what was stolen from the home.

If you see a vehicle matching this description, please call 911 and Flatbush Shomrim at 718-338-9797 immediately.


10 Responses

  1. They better catch the guys. How do they expect me to sleep at night knowing that someone might come into my house and hold me hostage at gunpoint (even with the most advanced alarm system).

  2. why dont you jusy relax an read your yated #1 if thats all your worried about. why arent you thinking- oiy i hope the family is ok can i offer my help in any way. . . .but since your just so nervouse about yourself why dont you pile your yateds by the front door that way no robber will come in!

  3. #3 has it exactly right! However, a shotgun is a little cumbersome to drag along when you go to answer that ring at the door. New York city residents can apply for a premise pistol license that allows possession and carrying in the licensed premises (home or business). It also allows the holder to take the gun to a shooting range for practice and instruction as long as it is unloaded and in a locked case. It’s a long drawn-out procedure to get, but if you have no criminal record and no history of mental health problems, you WILL PROBABLY get it if you perservere and are willing to make a few trips down to One Police Plaza in lower Manhattan. Additional information is available from the NYC pistol license division at 646-010-5551. Hatzlacha!!! (and may none of us need to use it; its just like a life insurance policy!).

  4. today,the chances for obtaining a permit is scarce.but you can try anyway. by the way Geshmack. did you ever fire a Mac-10 full auto,or a Uzi?

  5. Don’t go out & get a gun. There is a much bigger risk of accidents & mistaken shootings than of a holdup. besides do you really want to have a shootout with a criminal? who said you will win?

  6. In reply to #8, your chances of obtaining a premise license is actually quite good if you meet the criteria. It is a Carry license that is REALLY difficult to get unless you are politically well connected. If you have extra money laying around, there are lawyers who specialize in the license process and will assist the applicant during the procedure. And, yes, in my lifetime, I have fired a MAC-10, MAC-11, UZI, Thompson, M-16, S&W 76, M3-A1 grease gun, Sten, MP-40 and others. All legally!!!! As for #9, you have the typical Galut mentality. Jewish people should not have guns. They may hurt themselves or someone else. Well, I wonder if you would say the same thing to our brethren in Gush Etzion or Kiryat Arba. They would laugh you right off the Yishuv! Maybe I would agree with you 100 years ago when a criminal would say: “your money or your life”. Nowadays, it’s “your money AND your life”! Being a gun owner with some good training under your belt, generally puts you way ahead of most criminals. And, while there is no guarantee you will win in a gunfight, you are guaranteed to lose if the criminal wants no witnesses and you have no gun. The key is training. Buying a gun does not make you into a good gunfighter anymore than buying a car makes you into a good driver. Hatzlacha to all!!

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