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Obama Takes South Carolina Primary

obama1.jpgAt 7:00PM EST – when polls were closing – major media outlets projected that Democratic Sen. Barack Obama will win the South Carolina Democratic primary this evening.

WCBSTV reports: Barack Obama routed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the racially-charged South Carolina primary Saturday night, regaining campaign momentum in the prelude to a Feb. 5 coast-to-coast competition for more than 1,600 Democratic National Convention delegates.

Former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina was running third, a sharp setback in the state where he was born and scored a primary victory in his first presidential campaign four years ago.

About half the voters were black, according to polling place interviews, and four out of five supported Obama. Black women turned out in particularly large numbers. Clinton and Edwards each won roughly 40 percent of the white vote, with about 25 percent going to Obama, the first-term Illinois senator.

20 Responses

  1. oh no. the Dems are taking over the country what are we going to do. I think we should orginize a massive rally against him. Mitt Romney is the true leader for the Bnei Torah

  2. yatedreader:
    While we do have strong concern about the Democrat resurgance, we don’t think we are panicking over it as you assume we are.
    As to the leaders for the Bnai Torah, even the staunchest conservative leaning frum yid realizes that our leaders are our Rabbonim. That being said, it is probably true (not fully just probably) that conservatives will support an agenda that is more alligned with the way we think.
    All politicians reek, but there is going to be a lesser evil.
    At this early stage, I think Barak Hussein would be a better leader that Billary but I will probably vote republican against either of them.

  3. eggy –
    Sure. His middle name is Hussein. He doesn’t talk about it because, frankly, middle name discussion really isn’t all that interesting. I don’t discuss my middle name either – maybe that makes me a terrorist too!

  4. Barak Hussein Obama was a practicing Muslim in his youth according to his friends who attended school with him.

    His current church is run by a virulently anti Semitic preacher who has praised Farrakhan.

    Despite those that would like to hide from these facts, this is the story about him.

    He and all the Democrats are not friends of Israel or the Jews.

    They all subscribe to the Daily Kos blog where anit Semitic and anti Israel comments are legion.

    For an intelligent people, it amazes me that the ghost of FDR still has possession of the Jewish voting soul.

    None of the Republican candidates inspire confidence either but that’s where we are right now.

  5. #5 and 6
    Mr. Eggy had a very good point when mentioning the fact about his middle name. I don’t think it should simply be brushed under the carpet. Middle names speak volumes about people.
    Take FDR for example. People would have never known he was from Delaware had his name not been Franklin Delaware Roosevelt.
    So too in this case.
    Thank you Mr. Eggy for your thought provoking point.

  6. None of the candidates speak forcefully about any issues, such as Iraq, the economy, Iran, Israel, etc or what they would do about it. The elections are just a popularity contest. As Jews, we should ask candidates their opinions on upholding sheva mitzvos.

  7. As I stated earlier, Barak will NEVER become the next President. Just like Jesse Jackson made a lot of noise when was in the race 20 years ago but never came seriously close, so will happen with this young troublemaker.
    However, what’s happening meanwhile is a very good thing. If Barak Hussein comes up as the Democratic candidate the Republicans will be much more sure to win. But if someone like Hillary will be the candidate Hashem Yerachem, the Republicans, and the whole country (especially Yiden) are in big trouble. Because she is a master of deception, and she would be emboldened to utilize every single tool of deceit to help herself, which, unfortunately in our times, makes unworthy candidates win & get into office (like her husband, Ehud Barak, & others).

  8. #7 tzoorba –

    You make 2 outrageous, damaging claims about Obama, 2 wild blanket statements about “all the Democrats,” and then 2 statements of your own to seal the deal. Regarding the claims – provide sources, please. Let’s research and find out the truth.

  9. I agree with tzoorba, none of the republicans inspire confidence. Who in the world are the Gedolim saying we should vote for? please respond!
    As far as Obama is concerned, I am constantly amazed at how far he has got, he has done absolutely nothing that has distinguished him as a leader! I am thinking of running…

  10. To yatedreadr
    Did you ask a das torah to even think to make a protest to right such a statment GEVALD are you the person who is controllig U.S.A. If you don’t want somebody should be elected vote for the oponent that only is your right

  11. Obama would be the best candidate for the Republicans to beat, with his virtual inexperience. That eing said, he would make a better President than Hillary any day.

    But as a matter of political reality, Hillary WILL win the Democrat nomination, regardless.

  12. #8 Gishmak in Lakewood
    First of all his name was not delaware it was Delancey as in the street in Shmuel Kundas tapes. Also let us look at your middle name “IN”. I think it tells us a lot about the fact that you are “in”sane, and “in”capable of teaching a 4th grade history class. You are the the type to pronounce Charlemagne the way it is spelled.

  13. #8, #20
    FDR was famous for his love of dancing. D stood for Franklin Dancing Roosevelt because he danced all day. Be a little more educational and vote for Hussein!!

  14. By the way, Obama is endorsed by Rep. Bob Wexler, the only Orthodox Jewish member of the House of Representatives, and one of if not the most reliably pro-Israel congressmen out there.

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