WATCH: Rep. Jordan Presses Jeff Sessions To Appoint Special Counsel

2 Responses

  1. Wow, so Floppy Ears Sessions is more corrupt than I originally thought. The little pipsqueak was clearly bought out by the Democrats. Trump was right. Sessions has turned out to be an incompetent bafoon who is scared of his own shadow.
    If the roles were reversed and Obama/Holder were in power, they wouldn’t even wait for a request from a couple of Congressmen. They wouldn’t be concerned with what the minority opposition would call them. They would’ve gone full steam ahead. But this scaredy-cat thinks he is in the minority and he must answer to Adam Schiff before he makes a move. Trump should fire this liberal loser immediately.

  2. Did somebody say “You’re fired”? Because that’s what I would expect the president to do to this guy. Drain the swamp starting with Sessions!

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