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NAACP Seeks To Remove ‘Star-Spangled Banner’ As National Anthem; Says Lyrics Are Lyrics Racist, Anti-Black

California’s NAACP is pushing for state lawmakers to support a campaign to remove “The Star Spangled Banner” as the country’s national anthem.

The group says the song, which has been a point of controversy in the NFL, is “one of the most racist, pro-slavery, anti-black songs in the American lexicon,” The Sacramento Bee reported Tuesday.

The NAACP’s California chapter last week reportedly sent out two resolutions, which had been passed at the organizations state conference last month.

One of the resolutions was to support the removal of the anthem, while the other is an effort to get the NFL to fit former player Colin Kaepernick onto a team.

Kaepernick, a former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, was the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem, which is typically played before games.

“We owe a lot of it to Kaepernick,” California NAACP President Alice Huffman told The Sacramento Bee. “I think all this controversy about the knee will go away once the song is removed.”

Huffman said she wrote the resolutions after President Trump said NFL owners should fire players who protest during the anthem.

The U.S. Congress should adopt a new national anthem that’s not “another song that disenfranchises part of the American population,” Huffman said.

“The Star-Spangled Banner” has been the nation’s anthem since 1931, when President Herbert Hoover signed a congressional act making it the song of the United States.

(Source: Fox News)

12 Responses

  1. Obviously they are not talking about the words that we all know as they have no mention of anything other than bombs, fireworks, and the flag. However I have heard during the past year mention of a second stanza, not part of the anthem sung out loud, that might be construed as being racist. But the question of course is, where have these guys been all my life?

  2. Forshayer, only the third and fourth stanzas can be seen as racist. The third mentions hirelings and slaves, and the fourth speaks of freemen.

  3. Hey fella, if you don’t like this country for all it has and has given your peeps – all people, in fact, you don’t have to stay. We won’t hold it against you if you choose to leave! In fact, if you’re a citizen and you change your mind – cuz a mind is a terrible thing to waist, you know – and you decide after living somewhere else to come back, you’re welcome to return!

  4. I believe he is referring to “No refuge could save the hireling and slave” from the third stanza and “O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand” from the fourth.

  5. There is an obsession with racism. It once existed, and might still have traces of existence. But the way in which the left is looking to make everything about racism is pathological. In fact, the very idea of making such a scene is actually racism itself. But the left can’t see that, and the current media is a crushed victim under the monster left. It’s not about the NAACP. It is about the millions of mental midgets that will buy into this garbage and make a national issue out of it. How many protests, riots, and murders will be justified by this nonsense? How many real news stories will not be aired because the MSM will be obsessed and busy pondering the waves of rebellion over the national anthem? How many elected officials will waste the public’s money by ignoring major crime, treason, etc. just to attend to the new national idiocy?

  6. If these race baiting morons would open a history book, they would realize that the verse that bothers them, “the hireling and slave” is referring to the British policies of hiring mercenaries and kidnapping US sailors to serve in the Royal Navy.

  7. Seems like he has a point. The British did not have legalized slavery during the War of 1812. So any reference to slaves in the song would be a reference to American slaves, whose motivation in helping the British would understandably be gaining liberty – their own and that of other slaves. Never much paid attention to it before.

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